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1 Melody .. 2 Heart Song .. 3 Unfinished Symphony .. 4 Music in the Night .. 5 Olivia

Melody Cover Melody

Melody Logan knew her beautiful mother, Haille, was unhappy in their hardscrabble mining town...

But with her wonderful father's unwavering love, Melody always felt safe - until a dreadful mine accident ripped her from her family's moorings.

She was still devastated by her father's death when she left West Virginia with Haille to follow her mother's dream of becoming a model or actress. But first they stopped in Cape Cod to visit her father's family at last.

Melody Stepback Melody knew only that her grandparents had disowned their son when he married Haille - just because she was an orphan, her mother said. Yet moments after Melody first laid eyes on dour, Bible-spouting Uncle Jacob, nervous Aunt Sara, and her cousins - handsome Cary, whose twin, Laura had been killed recently in a sailing accident, and sweet, deaf little May - Haille announced that Melody was to live with them.

Sleeping in Laura's old room, Melody was awash in a sea of grief and confusion, with only her beloved fiddle to comfort her. Then Cary revealed the truth he's gleaned about her parents - a sad, shocking story that only puzzled her more. Melody knew nothing of the dark deceptions that would soon surface... the devastating betrayals she would face before she glimpsed the faint, beckoning lights of a safe harbor...

Setting: West Virginia, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1990s
New York Times Bestseller: #2, 7 weeks on list

© 1996 by Virginia C. Andrews Trust and the Vanda Partnership. Published by Pocket Star Books of New York. Stepback art by Lisa Falkenstern. 384 pages.

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Standing in rear -- Cary, Olivia
Standing in front -- May, Melody

Do you have an opinion about who's in the picture? Write to me.

"That is Sara Logan, Cary and May's mother who is beaming at Melody with creepy smile... If it is Olivia she would look at her with disgusted look..."
- Steven of All About V.C. Andrews

"There is no way that the woman looking at Melody and May is Sara! Sara is supposed to be in her forties with brown hair. The woman in the picture is WAY older than forty, and with that not-so-pleasant look she's got on her face, that's got to be the vindictive Olivia rather than caring, good-natured Sara Logan!"

"I was just wondering if you noticed the little people in the sailboat in the very back. I think they are Laura and Robert."

"I believe that the woman is Olivia because Sara cannot be also old. Moreover, Olivia has a role much more significant in this book. It is thus normal that it is on the cover. I do not see why Sara would be on the cover. If it would be the case, Jacob would be him also on courverture. It is what I think." (Translated from French)
- Marie-Eve at