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Talena, in Wichita Kansas at the lake admiring the ducks :-)

Due to an Accident at the tender year of 2 1/2 my wife lost her left leg, during the years she was fitted with more than 30 prosthesis some better , some are not as good fitting, the average price for a prosthesis these days is about $25,000.00. In my humble opinion very much overpriced, especially so because the warranty is only about 3 month. When I looked at one of Talena's legs I was wondering were the price was coming from. My wife advised me that for instance the hydraulic alone was valued at $5000.00, upon closer inspection it looked like a scaled down version of a motor bike hydraulic. Recently a friend of ours was fitted with a new leg (computer controlled) at a cost of $57,000.00, I haven't asked her much warranty came with that leg. One would hope that she would get at least 10,000 miles, after all the price of a new car is only about $30,000 and has that warranty.

If there is a request for swapping parts for wheelchairs, crutches or any other adaptive Devices I will open a new Page, please click here to write to me, or you may want to give parts away, just let me know please.

When we arrived in Houston Texas, Friends of ours Jim and Jeri invited us kindly to stay at their home till we could find work and our own place. 

Click Me  Jim and Jeri had met on the internet and married about 12 month before us. Jeri too is an amputee, and had so far never had a leg build by a Prosthesist(sp) that was comfortable for her to wear. Jim loves to experiment and wanted his wife to have at least a peg-leg to wear around the house. After several tries, I think he is on Peggy 12 now and Jeri claims that everyone is better than the last one.  Click Me  Here is Jeri trying one of Jim's Creations. Click on the link for the full size version and a close up of the peg leg.

Since Talena had a revision done about 3 years ago, she didn't have much luck in wearing a prosthesis for any length of time. So Jim decided to to attempt a new socket for Talena's leg and you can see the results here 

Click Me, and also a sequence of Talena trying it out hereClick Me 

 Well  Talena got her new Pegleg and she is parading it here 

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