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At my very first Autism Society Meeting the guest speaker was an education specialist. A lot of questions were posed to him about how we can help our adolescent autistic children prepare for the future. He said that it was sad that not much money has been in place for older autistic people/children/adults, because so much emphasis is placed on the early years. He suggested parents contact the ARC of Texas (organization for retarded citizens that helps with transition or work related information) and to make sure it was discussed at the ARD and that there is a transitional plan in place in the IEP (Individual Education Plan).
Beyond that, we as parents, we're on our own.
I know Andrew is only 3 years old but we need to be prepared.
One mother's comment really struck me at that meeting, "If you think you have problems when they are little just wait until they're 290 pounds and wear a size 14 shoe!"
Wow!! We have our work cut out for us if we are going to prepare our kids for the future. The statistics show that most our autistic adults either still live at home or in a facility (not on their own). Finding a place for our older children to live and possibly work are two of the biggest hurdles at this age.
Let me know of any information or advice that you have.
Below is just a little information that I have found relating to this area.

Read about some autistic adults

Making the Transition from the World of School into the World of Work

Choosing the Right Job for People with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome

Survival In The Workplace

Autistic Continuum Connections, Education, and Support Site

NAS's Prospects Scheme helps find real jobs for people with HFA/AS

Employment-The Autism & Asperger's Syndrome Independent Living Assoc.

'My coding just flies'

Study Skills For Students With HFA/AS

The University-Students-With-Autism-And-Asperger's-Syndrome Mailing List

To Tell Or Not To Tell?

The hindered path - a student newspaper article about university students with autistic spectrum conditions, with many first-person quotes.

Autistics offer unique skills to IS

Emergence: Labeled Autistic

Autism, Puberty, and the Possibility of Seizures

How to Understand People Who Are Different by Brad Rand

My Experiences with Visual Thinking Sensory Problems and Communication
Difficulties by Temple Grandin, Ph.D.

A Way of Describing Autism by Dave Spicer

Don't Mourn for Us by Jim Sinclair

Ooops....Wrong Planet! Mom's View

Parents Helping Parents, resources for and by parents of special-needs children

Wouter Schenk interviews Carolyn Baird.
In this interview Carolyn Baird from Glendale, Australia, tells about her life, autism and Internet and her list PAN-L. Carolyn Baird is the listowner of PAN-L (Parents Autistics Network List). Carolyn, a high functioning person with autism, and is the mother of four children.


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