Nursery Rhymes
~Barbara Jenkins (1975)


Come look with me at some nursery rhymes.
They're not just for kids.
There must be some truths we could apply
And help us our problems to rid.

If like Humpty Dumpty you've sat on a wall
Then finally teetering, had a great fall.
Open your heart and let Jesus in.
He'll help put your life together again.


Mary, Mary, why be contrary?
Must you complain so?
Life is full of many good things.
SMILE....God loves you, you know.


Little Miss Muffett sat on a tuffet
And dreamed to pass the day.
She lived her life never acknowledging her gifts
So she just faded away.



Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn.
Tell others about Jesus; that you were reborn.
All that Good News is too good to keep.
Climb out of that haystack; this is no time to sleep

We see that from nursery rhymes we can learn
If we're willing to like children become.
To trust and to live and to respond
To Jesus, God's Only Son.

So when life seems like a rhyme or a riddle
And you're ready to give up the fight,
Remember what Jesus of Nazareth said....



Music: "A,B,C Song"


Spring/Easter pages

I Want to Fly
My Confession
Still My Spirit, Lord
Were You There ?
What's the Matter with your Hands, Mister?
Do You Believe in Easter ?
Ultimate Love
King Jesus
The Cross
Butterfly Whispers
Tribute to Spring

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