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First Generation:

Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Benjamin Harris

Third Generation:

Silas Harris

Fourth Generation:

Zachariah Harris

Fifth Generation:

William Jasper Harris, Sr.

Harris Family Ancestry Page

Background of Prior Harris Ancestry research
This portion of the website is devoted to providing information about the ancestors of William Jasper Harris, Sr., in hopes it may be useful to family members in further genealogical research on the Harris line. Several descendants of this pioneer family have devoted efforts to learning more about their origins. Years ago, at a key family reunion, his granddaughter, Alice Harris, presented the family with information that provided linkage through the Smith line to Mayflower passengers. However, for many years the only information we had about the Harris line was the names of the direct ancestors and their wives and wives' parents, with no details on other members of those families. The best information about origin of the family was that they were all "of the Pendleton District, South Carolina."
Books by Pearson Corbett and Don C. Corbett (unpublished)
Pearson Corbett wrote an excellent book based on his research into the life of the mother of Martha Ann Smith Harris, Mary Fielding Smith. His brother, Don C. Corbett, had done extensive research on Martha Ann's life, and had come up with additional genealogical information on the ancestral family, which he planned to publish in book form. However, his untimely death interrupted his plans. Some family members received some of the additional genealogical information he had discovered, but the facts he had were not widely known among the extended family. At this time (2001), we understand an effort is being made to prepare Don C. Corbett's manuscript for publication. The family will welcome having his dedicated efforts available to all.
Researchers working on other Harris Family lines
Genealogists in other Harris Family lines have not been idle all these years. With the facility of the internet, we have come in contact with several extended Harris family members who have diligently sought to clarify the facts regarding the Harris family in America. Two excellent papers following several family lines have came to our attention in June, 2001. One of them had been uncovered in 1977, but until the other document came along, we had no way of knowing whether it related to our Harris line or not. We still don't have a clear connection between the two, but circumstantial indicators lead us to hope that the missing linkage will be found to provide us with data that will establish the origins of our family line in the USA. These documents are posted on the Isaac Harris Family Page . Though we think Don C. Corbett's research may have led him to add the name of Isaac Harris as an ancestor many years ago, some of us who were seeking information on the line of William Jasper Harris were not previously aware of this information.
Help via internet from George A. Harris
In addition to the information covered in the research papers mentioned above, George A. Harris, of a different branch of the family, sent along family group sheets with detailed information on the extended families of the direct ancestors of William Jasper Harris. Our branch of the Harris family is indebted to him for his graciousness in sharing the information he has collected from a variety of sources. Along with the family group sheets, George also sent along a
Still under construction

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This space reserved for a link appropriate to this Harris Ancestry Page.

Direct comments to:
Doug Paulson, e:mail address (

This page last updated June 23, 2001

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
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