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Page Three:

Let me jump ten years now.  At 245 pounds, I am no longer that skinny lil' boy.  Mentally, now I know the only thing to fear is myself.  God has shown me that I am my own worst enemy.  I shall not only love and care for those that show me the same, but love and care for those who treat me bad as well.  As it's said, how easy is it to give your son a piece of candy and your enemy's snake?  Would you give the snake to your boy and the sweet gift to the one who hurt you?

Treat people how you wish to be treated.  Be aware that there will be some that still treat you how THEY feel you should be treated.  I have not been perfect in this, nor will I ever be, but I will give my best shot at doing as I know and feel is right.  I just had an incident in my life that would have crushed me and pushed me over the edge a few years ago.  However, with the help of my God, I was able to overcome it, let it pass, and see it for what it was. 

I spend most of my time reading, working out, and writing letters.  I try my best to stay in touch with the outside world.  True enough, I am here, but there are people that I love and care about that are out there.  I have the chance to see and understand many things that others will not see.

I don't have to worry about how I am going to eat or be clothed, or how I will keep a roof over my head.  I can take the time to see the truth in a lot of what is said and done in the world.  So I pass these thoughts and opinions on.

I said I didn't have the worries for two reasons.  One, my God tells me if I am going to pray, then don't worry.  Second, I love nothing in this world any more than I love what I believe I will get when I leave this world.  This is my focus and my goal.

Yes, I would love to leave death row, because I know that I shouldn't be here.  These aren't just my personal thoughts, but the facts of the law.  I don't concern myself with things of the world that I can't change.  I will be here until my time is up.  Yes, I will fight and never give up, and allow this injustice to go unchallenged.  If I did, it would happen again to someone else, so I must speak out and try to get the things changed that need to be, but I'll not lose focus on the overall picture.

Love myself, love my neighbors, love my God, and pray for those that don't know me but wish me dead!  Those that are in the blind on what the true meaning of freedom and justice is.

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