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Age Restrictions:

Personal Floating Devide (PFT)

Speed Limitations:

Personal Watercraft:

Water Skiing:



All Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's) must be U.S. Coast Guard approved, in serviceable condition, readily accessible, and of the appropriate size for intended user.
All children under 13 years of age in motorboats under 26 feet in length must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD while underway. Underway means not at anchor, made fast to the shore, or aground.

All vessels, including canoes and kayaks, must be equipped with one Type I, II, III or V wearable PFD for each person on board. A Type V PFD is acceptable only if used in accordance with the specific instructions on the label of the device.

Vessels 16 feet and longer, excluding canoes and kayaks, are required to be equipped with one Type IV throwable PFD in addition to the Type I, II, III, or V PFD required for each person on board.

Inflatable PFDs are authorized only when used in accordance with requirements as presented on U.S. Coast Guard approval labels. Inflatable PFDs are not approved for use on personal watercraft, waterskiing, or other high speed activity.


Any vessel less than 12 meters in length (39.4 ft.) is required to carry a whistle or horn, or some other means to make an efficient sound to signal intentions and position in periods of reduced visibility. Vessels 12 meters or more in length are required to carry a whistle or horn, and a bell.



Every motorboat towing a person or persons on water skis, aquaplane or similar device must have an observer, other than the operator, 13 years of age or older OR be equipped with a rearview mirror of a size no less than four inches (4") in measurement from bottom to top and across from one side to the other. Such mirror shall be mounted firmly so as to give the boat operator a full and complete view beyond the rear of his boat at all times.



All vessels including motorboats, canoes, kayaks, punts, rowboats, rubber rafts, or other vessels when not at dock must have and exhibit at least one bright light, lantern or flashlight visible all around the horizon from sunset to sunrise in all weather and during restricted visibility.

Navigation Lights
Power Driven Vessels Underway: Power driven vessels of less than 20 meters (65.6 ft.) but more than 12 meters (39.4 ft.) shall exhibit navigation lights as shown in Figure 1. Vessels of less than 12 meters in length, shall show the lights in either Figure 1 or Figure 2.

Manually Driven Vessels: Manually driven vessels when paddled, poled, oared, or windblown;

A sailing vessel of less than 20 meters (65.6 ft.), while underway shall exhibit sidelights and a sternlight which may be combined in one lantern carried at or near the top of the mast where it can best be seen.
A sailing vessel of less than 7 meters (23 ft.) shall, if practicable, exhibit the sidelights and a sternlight, or shall exhibit at least one bright light, lantern or flashlight from sunset to sunrise when not at dock.
All other manually driven vessels may exhibit sidelights and a sternlight, or shall exhibit at least one bright light, lantern, or flashlight from sunset to sunrise when not at dock.
White lights shall be visible at a distance of at least two (2) miles. Colored lights shall be visible at a distance of at least one (1) mile. "Visible" when applied to lights, means visible on dark nights with clear atmosphere.







4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744
1-800-792-1112 - Boater Education
1-800-262-8755 -Boat Registration
1-800-792-1112 - Boat Information

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