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Peter25SC.jpg (66998 bytes) The Petersburg Metro is very deep, because it must run underneath the Neva River and swampy land. The escalator ride takes about five minutes. Photo by Stephanie Carrie.
Peter24SC.jpg (91591 bytes) Street musicians perform daily outside the Chernyshevsky Metro. Photo by Stephanie Carrie.
Peter23SC.jpg (79435 bytes) Women buy fruit from a kiosk. Photo by Stephanie Carrie.
Peter13CM.jpg (40710 bytes) Please do not park your Lada in the Neva. Thank you. Photo by Chris McCurry.
Peter22SC.jpg (76497 bytes) Grannies on a park bench. Photo by Stephanie Carrie.
Peter21SC.jpg (84921 bytes) What is this boy doing in the fountain? Photo by Stephanie Carrie.
Peter33SC.jpg (62121 bytes) Nostalgic Communist grannies. Photo by Stephanie Carrie.
Petersburg15.jpg (59605 bytes) Street drunk. Photo by Candice McDougall.
Transfer to the Green Line- Student Life in Saint Petersburg
Transfer to the Red Line- Saint Petersburg Sightseeing Tour
Transfer to the Yellow Line- White Nights Tour

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