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Petersburg14.jpg (54794 bytes) At the beginning of the green line is Primorskaya Station, and not far from Primorskaya is my host Kolya, and my home for the month. Kolya's awesome... he taught me how to make my own сухарики and got me hooked on Akvarium and Boris Grebenshchikov. Photo by Joe Tacke
Peter16AQ.jpg (42913 bytes) Just a short walk from my home is the Hotel Chaika. It has a personality of it's own. Photo by Tony Qualin
Peter12CM.jpg (63158 bytes) The bus to school from the Chaika. Before we got on it the first time, we were told that students always try to steal the headcovers, and we were begged not to. It seemed a strange request, but when we got on the bus, it suddenly became very clear.... Photo by Chris McCurry
Peter31SC.jpg (64997 bytes) Alas, after a few days I was told that homestays must find their own way to Smolny. So, I took the metro from Primorskaya to Chernyshevsky station every morning. Photo by Sara Lomasz
Peter20SC.jpg (106952 bytes) After getting off the metro at Chernyshevsky Station, I had a pleasant (when it wasn't raining) walk through this park. Photo by Stephanie Carrie
Peter26SC.jpg (111533 bytes) Hidden amongst the trees is the old Smolny Cathedral and monastery, which now houses the Center for Russian Language and Culture. Photo by Stephanie Carrie
Peter27SC.jpg (68877 bytes) Smolny has been under renovation for a while, and the beautiful central tower was under scaffolding while we were there. The walls are freshly painted bright blue. Photo by Stephanie Carrie
Peter34AQ.jpg (49207 bytes) The Saint Petersburg State University Center of Russian Language and Culture. Photo by Tony Qualin
Peter47ZC.jpg (36622 bytes) The old building where we studied had a maze of hallways and winding staircases. Here's one of the stairways to class. Photo by Zach Cantrell
Peter45ZC.jpg (38011 bytes) "Russian's hard." Photo by Ben Atkinson
Peter61AQ.jpg (67895 bytes) Once a week we got a special treat, music classes, where we learned Russian folk songs, taught by the charismatic Volodya. Photo by Anthony Qualin
Peter60AQ.jpg (24773 bytes) Click to download .wav files of Volodya singing "Милая" and "Динь-динь-динь" Photo by Anthony Qualin
Petersburg12.jpg (87889 bytes) Group 1- Me, Caitie Dalton, Meredith Tucker, Zach Cantrell, Stephanie Carrie, Travis Griffin, Nina Petrovna, Greta Daniels, Jayna Murphy, and Rosa Prough.
Petersburg13.jpg (86935 bytes) The Texas Tech group- Chris McCurry, Patrice Hall, Dr. Qualin, Brandy Godwin, Jared Chesnut, Christine Keels, Andrew Weatherl, Chase Graves, Joe Tacke, Meredith Tucker, me, Sara Qualin, and Caitie Dalton. Not pictured is Lauren Burton.
Peter35KS.jpg (93142 bytes) Between classes, there is still plenty of time for goofing off, as Joe Camel demonstrates. Photo by Kyle Simon.
Transfer to the Blue Line- Everyday Life in St. Petersburg
Transfer to the Red Line- Saint Petersburg Sightseeing Tour
Transfer to the Yellow Line- White Nights Tour

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