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Del told us to bring champagne and cheese. Vodka and pistachios, same thing.

Peter05BA.jpg (51864 bytes) Here we are, ready to get this party started. 
Peter02BA.jpg (48547 bytes) Dr. Qualin busts out the guitar, and we drown out the tour guide with Russian songs.
Peter51BA.jpg (38953 bytes) Our first stop is at the Bronze Horseman. Ben's only just begun.
Peter10BC.jpg (43124 bytes) Joe, you alright there, buddy?
Peter52BA.jpg (20798 bytes) Kyle drinks a toast to St. Isaac's.
Peter55BA.jpg (47915 bytes) More singing. People are actually throwing rubles at this point. If you look closely at this picture, you can see the ghost of Akaky Akakyevich trying to steal Cassidy's hockey jersey...
Peter53BA.jpg (47948 bytes) One happy group!
Peter54BA.jpg (38141 bytes) Things start to get weird on the bus...
Peter06BA.jpg (46105 bytes) Travis, Sara, Caitie, Tori, and Bob.
Peter04BA.jpg (47578 bytes) Palace Square, still singing. Only Dr. Qualin is still singing at this point. Probably Vysotsky.
Peter56BA.jpg (34434 bytes) Now it's time to gather along the Neva embankment to watch the bridges go up.
Peter07BA.jpg (42800 bytes) And now we're on a boat in the Neva. Here's Bob and Sara, Caitie, Brandy, Tori, and me.
Peter42ZC.jpg (39428 bytes) And the bridges are up....
Peter08BA.jpg (25331 bytes) ...and we're going through them. Beautiful. And somewhere in the boat, Dr. Qualin is still singing.
All photos on this page by Ben Atkinson
Transfer to Red Line- Saint Petersburg Sightseeing Tour
Transfer to Green Line- Student Life in Saint Petersburg
Transfer to Blue Line- Everyday Life in Saint Petersburg

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