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About Us




A B O U T - U S


The First Cavalry Division started from the remnants of an old clan that was disbanded.  Our clan plays both Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault and Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead.  Lo, being the leader have a philosophy that everyone in the clan should be able to voice their opinion. everyone has come to know that a democracy is the best way to run a clan.  Thus far, we have instituted the practice of democracy and it has lead our clan through times when many other clans were collapsing. 

We also institute a strong infrastructure in this clan.  We are very organized so to speak.  All enlisted men have a representative for them in this clan.  Since we are growing at an alarming rate, it is hard for the officers to get around to every single problem that an enlisted man has, so we have developed a system that give the enlisted men a high ranking official to place their arguments to.  Though it is a new way to run it, it has thus far been successful, and we plan on keeping it this way. 

I am an open person, I will accept everyone regardless of their beliefs or attitudes.  I simply warn them, that their attitudes must be kept in check when around us.   The freedom of speech is a right, but it does not come without consequences. 

Since I have basically bored you to death while reading these rules and regulations, now I will tell you that we are a clan that is very active.  We are always online playing, and we always have a good time.

Thanks for reading through the "About Us" Section.  If you have any further questions, simply email the leader at  


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