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About Us




C L A N - I N F O


This is the 1st Cavalry Division clan.  We support Medal of Honor Allied Assault, and Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead players.  We are not a strict clan, but we do require all members to use appropriate manners when in the clan server, or in a clan match.  All members should respect higher ranked members, even if they don't like the person.  To learn more about the clan please check the left side links, and read all you wish.


Our 1CAV server is officially up 1CAV.  The server  IP is    It can be found on the gamespy browser as "1CAV Division"
We all register on the website, which also has our clan's mort recent news located on it.  Any clan members who has not yet registered please do so and contact an officer of the clan to invite you to join the clan.  It is required to sign up, and to do so as soon as possible.


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