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Matrupanchakam - Greatness of Mother

What's New

Friday, December 02 2006; 1:50 PM IST
Matrupanchakam Moolam (the original Hymn) has now been re-typeset using high quality Sanskrit fonts, for better on-screen and print quality. . Download the file here.
Monday, May 22 2006; 11:14 PM IST
It's been a extremely long time since any update to this site was made. I am very sorry for the same.
It seems that in many websites on the Internet and mailing lists, Matrupanchakam is associated with Sri Adi Shankaracharya as it's Karta or composer. However although Adi Shankaracharya composed the "Eka-sloka Matrustuti", Matrupanchakam was composed by one of the ascetics of the Sankara tradition (Sri Bhashya Swami) on a later date.
Saturday, April 30 2005; 07:37:24 AM IST
It has been a long time since the website has been updated. Besides the 1st Edition has not yet made it, primarily because my Linux Partition got busted some time back and the particular fonts work well only on Linux, and although there is a GNU-Ghostscript PDF Driver for Win32 platforms, it is not as easy to use not very promising as the one for GNU/Linux. Please bear with the delays! Soon the 1st Edition will be released on the website. In the mean time, please do take time to sign the guestbook. It helps me to know what you think about this website. Thank you.
Monday, March 07 2005; 03:18:01 PM IST
Recently, I found a review of Matrupanchakam (II Edition), in a journal published by Sri Ramanasramam from Thiruvannamalai, in some issue in 2003 (which is not yet ascertained). It has been available, online in the 'press reviews' page. Once the the issue of the journal is ascertained, the website will be accordingly updated.
Wednesday, February 16 2005; 06:03:19 PM IST
Some time back, the verses on Mother by Saint Pattinathar was added to the download section. Now an English Translation to the same has also been added, to help one understand the deep philosophy behind the composition. It is as usual, available as a PDF document from the downloads page.
Tuesday, February 15 2005; 02:14:24 PM IST
The search engine has been disabled, because it was/has been malfunctioning for a long time. For the time being, please use the sitemap (if required). I am apologetic for the same.
Friday, January 14 2005; 12:06:48 AM IST
Happy Pongal and Makara Sankranthi! Saint Pattinathar's (also known as Pattinathadigal) ten verses on Mother, has been uploaded and available as a PDF document. This is currently in Tamil Script.
Monday, December 27 2004; 09:16:20 AM IST
This website has been selected and awarded the golden web award 2003-2004! which can be observed at the home page. Today also happens to be Aarudra Darshanam, otherwise known as Thiruvadirai.
Monday, December 20 2004; 09:50:34 AM IST
A new file has been uploaded! The Eka Sloka Matrustuthihi (Meaning one verse hymn to Mother) composed by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya himself is online. Check the download page.
Sunday, November 14 2004; 09:11:17 PM IST
The E-book in download section has undergone a change. The new version is better, with anti-alisaed fonts, suitable for online-reading as well as printing. This (at-present) requires version 5 or higher of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. For the technically savvy, that translates to version 1.4 of the PDF specs. (Get a latest version of xpdf, ggv, or gv which supports version 1.4 of the PDF specification).
Wednesday, November 10 2004; 13:55:10 IST
To ease navigation, apart from the site map, a new search engine has been implemented. Besides this the Press Reviews pages have also been cleaned up a bit, to ease navigation. Also the contact page has been refined, so that the guestbook post does not open up in new page(s). A new Feedback page has been added, through which you can send your (vital) feedback!. And finally undersigned's e-mail has changed (see contact page).
Wednesday, September 22 2004; 19:53:37 IST
The website has a new look and design, plus some mistakes have been corrected.