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Gibson Cemetery



Located on the Russell Fork River section, on a point to the left of the mouth of Poplar Hollow. Route 605 (just off route 80 near the mouth of Indian Creek, Bee VA) turn right, the cemetery is believed to be in Buchanan County and close to the Dickenson County line. Copied Memorial Day 1985 by Trula Robinson and published in the Virginia Mountaineer on Thursday 19th March 1987.

Updated March 26, 2002 from information Karen Street Tiller supplied. She wrote this cemetery was established in 1911.

1.Gibson, B. G., 31 October 1861 - 14 July 1922 (husband of Susie Rasnake)[Beauregard "Beau" Gibson was the son of John and Huldah Thomas Gibson. He was married to Cardillah Owens, Barbara Ellen Sullivan and Susie Catherine Rasnake. He was a first cousin, once removed to Granny Sarah Barton Rasnake, and after he married Susie, he was the son-in-law of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake]

2.Gibson, Barbara Ellen, 5 September 1888 - 16 March 1912 (Barbara Ellen Sullivan was the second wife of Beauregard Gibson. She was the daughter of Samuel P. and Marinda Ball Sullivan)

3.Gibson, Cardilla H., 13 February 1862 - 07 June 1911 (Cardilla Owens Gibson was the first wife of Beauregard Gibson. I do not know who her parents were)

4.Gibson, John D., 29 October 1900 - 7 April 1952 (Virginia PVT, 853 Guard Sq. AAF World War II. Johnny Dayton Gibson was the son of Beauregard and Cardillah Gibson. He was second cousin to Granny Sarah Barton Rasnake)

5.Gibson, Tivis C., 12 November 1914 - 22 March 1962 (Tivis Colley "Dock" Gibson was the son of Beauregard and Susie Rasnake Gibson and was the grandson of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. He married Josephine Ramey Gibson. He was named for Dr. Tivis Colley Sutherland, who delivered him, also how he got the nickname "Dock".)

6.Presley, Ida Leah, 1916 - 1943 (daughter of Beauregard and Susie Rasnake Gibson, granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake, married Kermit Presley)

7.May, Lizzie G., 18 June 1873 -18 September 1973 (Lizzie was the mother of Fannie Davis Rasnake, don't know who her husband was)

8.Miller (Rasnake) Emma Gay, 5 September 1924 - 19 February 1979 (daughter of James "Jim" and Fannie Davis Rasnake. She was the granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

9.Rasnake, Abraham H., 5 July 1905 - 3 August 1976 (Abraham Holland Rasnake was the son of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake and the husband of Maudie Mae Street Rasnake)

10.Rasnake, Dolores, 21 March 1932 - 21 March 1932 (don't know whose child this is)

11.Rasnake, Earnestine, born and died 5 August 1951 (this is a daughter of William M. and Anna Mae Mullins Rasnake, granddaughter of Ira and Sarah Ercil Sykes, great-granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

12.Rasnake, Fannie D., 30 October 1905 - 8 March 1974 (Fannie was the wife of James William "Jim" Rasnake, and the daughter-in-law of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. She was the daughter of Lizzie G. May and I don't know who her father was)

13.Rasnake, Fred R., 7 May 1949 - 13 August 1949 (I do not know whose child this was)

14.Rasnake, Hazel M., 5 January 1922 - 28 February 1939 (Hazel was the daughter of James William "Jim" and Fannie Davis Rasnake and the granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

15.Rasnake, Ida, 1902 - 1948 (Ira Rasnake was the son of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake and husband of Sarah Ercil Sykes Rasnke)

16.Rasnake, James W., 23 June 1898 - 6 March 1975 (James William "Jim" Rasnake was a son of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake, and husband to Hazel O'Quinn and secondly to Fannie Davis Rasnake)

17.Rasnake, Loretta Sue, 18 January 1953 - 21 April 1953 (Daughter of William M. and Anna Mae Mullins Rasnake, granddaughter of Ira and Sarah Ercil Sykes and great-granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

18.Rasnake, Mary M., 1 October 1940 - 18 August 1941 (Daughter of Hollin and Maudie Street Rasnake and the granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. She was 10 months and 17 days old)

19.Rasnake, Maudie M., 23 June 1898 - 11 August 1977 (Maudie Mae Street Rasnake was the wife of Abraham Holland Rasnake and the daughter-in-law of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. She was the daughter of Stephen and Ira Whitt Street)

20.Rasnake, Susie C., 13 November 1935 - 31 May 1936(Susie C. Rasnake was the daughter of Ira and Sarah Ercil Sykes Rasnake and the granddaughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

21.Ratliff, Nora L., 1 April 1935 - 5 April 1937 (Nora was a daughter of Shade and Blanche Barton Ratliff. Blanche is the daughter of Abe and Nora Boyd Barton, Abe was a brother to Granny Sarah Baton Rasnake)

22.Ratliff, Ray J., 27 March 1939 - 27 March 1939 (Ray was a son of Shade and Blanche Barton Ratliff, Blanche is the daughter of Abe and Nora Boyd Barton, Abe was a brother to Granny Sarah Barton Rasnake)

23.Street, A. Y. Anthony "Doc", 11 July 1861 - 7 July 1930 (Anthony "AY" Street was the father of Robert Lee Street, who was the second husband of Susie Rasnake Gibson Street. AY's parents were John and Jane Runyon Street, first wife, Stacy Ann Street, second wife, Elizabeth Street. AY died at the home of Robert and Susie Rasnake Street. He was 68 years and 11 months and 26 days old)

24.Street, Franklin D., 8 December 1937 - 16 November 1940 (Franklin Delano Street, son of Robert and Susie Rasnake Gibson, Street. Grandson of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. He was said to have died of diptheria. He was 2 years, 11 months and 8 days old)

25.Street, Richard, stillborn, 14 August 1940 (Richard was the youngest child of Robert and Susie Gibson Street. Grandson of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

26.Street, Robert Lee, 9 April 1891 -16 November 1945 (Robert Lee Street was the second husband of Susie Rasnake Gibson and the son-in-law of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. Robert was the son of Anthony "AY" and Stacy Street Street)

27.Street, Robert B., 6 March 1925 - 31 January 1928 (2 years, 10 months and 25 days old, Robert Beauregard "Little Beau" Street was the eldest son of Robert Lee and Susie Catherine Rasnake Gibson Street. Grandson of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

28.Street, Susie Catherine, 19 August 1895 - 15 October 1969 (Susie Catherine Rasnake Gibson Street, was the daughter of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. She was the third wife of Beaugregard Gibson and the only wife of Robert Lee Street)

29.Gibson, Carter (no futher information written on the stone. Son of Grover and Minnie Hess Gibson, grandson of Beauregard and Cardillah Gibson. Beauregard's mother, Huldah Thomas Gibson, was a sister to Martha Thomas who was the mother of Granny Anne Thomas Baton, Granny Sarah's mother. Beauregard also became a son-in-law to Grandpa Tom and Granny Sarah when he married his third wife, Susie Rasnake.

30.Gibson, Paul (no futher information written on the stone. Son of Grover and Minnie Hess Gibson, grandson of Beauregard and Cardillah Gibson. Beauregard's mother, Huldah Thomas Gibson was a sisiter to Martha Thomas who was the mother of Granny Anne Thomas Barton, Granny Sarah's mother. Beauregard also became a son-in-law to Grandpa Tom and Granny Sarah when he married his third wife, Susie Rasnake)

31.Gibson, Tivis M. Jr. 22 July 1977 - 13 June 1995 (Tivis McKinley Gibson, Jr. was son of Tivis and Karen Perkins Gibson, grandson of Donald and Glyniss Church Gibson, great-grandson of Tivis Colley "Dock" and Josephine Ramey Gibson, gg-granson of Beauregard "Beau" and Susie Rasnake Gibson, ggg-grandson of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

32.Street, Robert M. (no stone, just a remnant of the metal gravemarker from the funeral home. Robert Marion Street, infant son of Tommy and June Vaughn Street, born August 1962 and died August 1962. Grandson of Robert and Susie Rasnake Gibson, great-grandson of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake, Karen says she will putting a grave stone there)

33.Rasnake, Sarah Ercil. 01 October 1904 - 09 November 1992 (Sarah Ercil Sykes Rasnake was the wife of Ira Rasnake and daughter-in-law of Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake. She was the daughter of Reuben and Nancy Arrington Sykes)

34.Gibson, Josephine R. (Josephine Ramey Gibson was the wife of Tivis Colley "Dock" Gibson, and granddaughter-in-law to Tom and Sarah Barton Rasnake)

There are Gibson graves (names not clear) and unidentified graves. If anyone can identify the graves that are marked only with stones, please do. If there are corrections to be made, let me know.

To My Information

Owens Page

Rasnake Page

Sexton Page

Sutherland Page

Gray/Casebolt/Robinson Page

Barton Page

Mead/Meade Page


Henry Sutherland/Rufus Owens

Will Farmer



Duty Cemetery
