|Ando Prime|  Fate. Fate is a horrible beginning.
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    Queen Amidala
    Amidala: The Federation has gone to far.
    Sabé:I will not cooperate.
    Amidala: I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.
    Padé: Are you sure about this? Trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know?
    Padmé: You've never won a race
    Padmé: Not even finished?
    Amidala: Our people are dying senator. We must do something quickly.
    Amidala: I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a commitee.
    Amidala:Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to mine.
    Amidala: I've decided to go back to Naboo.
    Amidala: I will sign no treaty, Senator. My fate will be no different than that of our people.
    Amidala: Captain.
    Panaka: Your Highness?
    Amidala: Ready my ship.

    Padmé: I am Queen Amidala. This is my decoy.

    Jar Jar Binks
    Jar Jar: Oh, muy, muy, I love yous!
    Jar Jar: Mesa yous humble servant!
    Jar Jar: Oh, but it is! Tis demanded by da gods!
    Jar Jar: Uh, on second thought....no, not really, no.
    Jar Jar: You saved my again!
    Jar Jar: Tis embarrassing....but uh, my afraid my've been banished. My forgotten. The bosses will do terrible things to me, terrible things to me if me going back dere!