|Ando Prime|  Fate. Fate is a horrible beginning.
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    5.20.01 I am in the midst of a server change, and hope to have Ando Prime up and running again soon... I HOPE.

    3.21.01Tragic News. Tripod just recently deleted a bunch of sites it was hosting;(by accident) and sadly, my newest affiliate An Alternate Universe was one that was deleted. The Webmaster would like me to inform you that her site has been successfully relocated, and ic currently not operating within normal perameters. It however will be up very soon! The new url is...http://www.envy.nu/auniverse/. Please look at her site when you have the chance...

    3.15.01New Affiliate. This site is really awesome. I love the layout. :An Alternate Universe:

    3.02.01Created a feedback form so that people can ask questions about my site. Please click here to submit...FEEDBACK FORM I am also now affiliated with two new sites: lightsabre.co.uk and The Emperors Hand

    2.25.01Created a page for my staff members. Accessible here. Made another new banner, but have not uploaded it to the server yet. ENJOY YOUR STAY...

    2.24.01Compressed header image. I created two new banners for my site. They can be found here. Have two new affiliates, SSSWW.com, and StarWarsSource.net. There's more, I just forget now...:)

    2.23.01New header image. Very proud. :) I also changed the layout a bit if anyone has noticed.

    2.20.01 NEW affiliate. Jedi Gardens

    2.18.01I have not updated in awhile, I am sorry, I should get on the ball :). The one thing I have changed is the very first page. It looks better after what I did, I think.

    2.03.01New Affiliate. The Star Wars Alliance..

    2.02.01 Wattos Junkyard will be closed for the next couple of days due to a server change. We look forward to their return!

    1.31.01 I am proud to be affiliated with The Coruscant Archives

    1.30.01 Alderaan Online has some very important information for you out there. Please click here to read it!

    1.26.01 I have chosen, hmmm...let's count, 4 people to help me out. They will be doing a variety of jobs, from compressing images I have created, to updating a new NEWS section I am planning to add. I hope you will be as pleased with their work as I no doubt will be. I am also going to be affiliating with Imperial Hub soon, as Plokoon will be one of my new staff memebers! AND AGAIN, thank you to EVERYONE who has volunteered to help!

    1.20.01Added 3 new Fan Art Pictures all done by Pitdroidii. Sadly to say only one person has applied to fill in a staff member, and he is my friend. Doesn't that make you feel sorry for me? :) Oh well, I guess this is just going to take a lot of time.

    1.17.01I am proud to announce my affiliation with Jade Eyes This site is very unique, I think you will like it!

    1.14.01I am proud to announce my affiliation with two new and very good Star Wars sites. I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I am working on it, exams are this week, so I don't even know if I am going to be on the computer at all this week. But, anyways, the two sites are No Ordinary Love and, Jedi Mind Trick I DEEPLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO CHECK THEM OUT!

    1.06.01New Affiliate.Trooper HQ This site is very well done, and is the best site created by Homestead that I have EVER seen! Check it out!

    1.04.01Uploaded 2 new banners to my site. Joined ICQ. My number is: 103601586

    1.03.01Uploaded 3 new Episode I Fan Arts, created by me. The colored versions will be added soon. Also I created 2 new banners which have not been uploaded yet.

    1.01.01 HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Today is the debut of my new and remodeled site! If there are any questions please drop a line at danaskully2004@yahoo.com

    12.02.00 I am really sorry for the lack of updates, I have been soooooooo incredibly busy lately, and angelfire has been screwed up too! Tommorrow is the opening day of Loudoun Ballet's "The Nutcracker" please check it out here they will give you ticket info. and directions! If you live in Virginia try and come, you won't be dissapointed!

    11.22.00: New affiliate!! :) The-Next-Amidala.com This is a very good site, beautiful graphics, and excellent information. Please check it out! Space is starting to run out on this main page, so I may have to move some of the updates to another page where people can still accsess them though. To the Episode II Page, I have added the partial cast list!

    11.19.00 Got a new affiliate, Alderaan Online Something went wrong with the button, so I will put that up tommorrow!

    11.12.00 I am have two new affiliates. FallenJedi.com: Imperialism Unbound. and TheJedis.net. I also have added 10 new Darth Maul pictures, and 7 new Queen Amidala Pictures to the Holodeck for Episode I.

    11.11.00 I am now officially affiliated with Watto's Junkyard!

    11.08.00 Posted two new wallpapers. Joined two new topsite lists. Created new banner, and topsite image. Please Join my topsite list!

    11.01.00 Won a new award. Posted in the awards section.

    10.30.00 TOmmorrow is HaLlOwEeN! WOOHOOO! Today I added the last two pieces of fan fiction to the section, so now, all I need is some people to submit some more to me! Thanks!

    10.29.00I have finally added a fan fiction section! WOOHOO! There are currently 3 stories available out of the 5 the person has written. All are currently written by Ami-Padme who writes very well; I encourage you to read some of her work! :)

    10.25.00I have been really busy lately I am sorry for the lack of updates. It was homecoming, I have had dance rehearsals and lots of other stuff! I hope to be adding some fan fiction, maybe this weekend. It is really good, so I hope you will enjoy it!

    10.06.00Today I recieved an email from the Tatooine System saying that I was affiliated with their site. I am soooo happy! My first true affiliate.

    10.02.2000 Today I signed up to be an affiliate with www.sullust.com, but I am still waiting for their reply back. I also added a new section to my navigation Wallpaper. I currently only have two but hopefully with time it will grow! I also recreated a web poll which I hope people will use!

    09.24.2000 Today I created a new Top Site List I hope the slots for this fill up fast! I also created a web poll using Homesteads polling service. Also I re-setup my account at www.starwars.com This is how I got my poll. It is weird using a program to do your HTML, it makes me feel sooooo lazy! Anyways, lots of people have been to my site which makes me happy!

    09.21.2000I have added another little award for sites that I feel have done a good job, but aren't worthy for my other awards. If you apply for one of my awards and I don't feel I can give you one of them, this is so you won't walk away empty handed. Also, I am starting a Fan Fiction section and need some Fan Fiction. If you would like to submit some to me please feel free!

    09.17.2000 Today two people applied for my award and won it! Congradulations to The Jedi Temple, and Watto's Junkyard. I am going to be adding a Fan Fiction section so if anyone has Fan Fiction they would like submitted and veiwed by other people just contact me here. Also I need some Affiliates, if anyone would like to join email me and I will email you the requirments which should be posted on this site tommorrow, if I get my act together! Thanks!

    09.15.2000 Today I put up my new awards that I designed, I finished updating my topics, I added a new link to the links page, and I joined Jedi Council Banner Exchange. Although the banner exchange is not working yet, I hope to straighten that out soon! If anyone would like to become affiliates with my site contact me here with a button for their site measuring 120 x 60 and I will put you up in the affiliates section. This section is not up yet, but that is because no one has volunteered to become an affiliate, so please join! I ask that when you join you have one of my buttons or banners on your main page. In the not too distant future I hope to put up a poll on the main page!

    09.07.2000 Today I am celebrating a years anniversary for this webpage! And also another reason this day is important is because I have just succeeded in remodeling this site in its entirety! The crowds roar! Anyways! Lemme know what you think about its new design! email me here.

    - Web Poll -

    What do you think Ando Prime needs more of?
    Fan Fiction
    Fan Art
