|Ando Prime|  Fate. Fate is a horrible beginning.
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    Name: Marion
    Position: Webmaster
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  • danaskully2004@yahoo.com
    Job Description and Bio: To tell you the truth, when I was little I hated Star Wars with a passion, it scared me. (well only the Empire Strikes Back). After seeing that movie I refused to watch Return of the Jedi because the scene where Luke got his hand cut off freaked me out, and turned me off.:) I rediscovered Star Wars with the Special Edition which came out when I was in the 5th grade, and now I have this lovely website.

    Being a webmaster for a site that is as vast as Ando Prime is a hard job. That is why I had to recruit some friends to help me out. I give a lot of thanks to them for doing so too.

    Name: James A. Garshide
    Position: Episode II Rumour selector.
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  • gingergarside@yahoo.com
    Job Description and Bio: James will be posting rumours for Episode II. Now, on a more personal note...
    I work on my starwars website sometimes.. I do alot of surfing on the internet and play online and in a ewok clan) StarWars clan... I love starwars and startrek.. A human after my own HEART :) Im doing a website course at college which is ok. Anything else please email me.