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www.30 Day
...Richmond Virginia Punk Rock...

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This is our music and discography page. It contains our releases, and upcoming releases, plus unreleased songs. Mp3s will be here soon, for now please check our site at to download our sounds. To order anything, please visit our merch section. If you need an mp3 player, click here

Songs Before EP

Songs MP3
Songs Before
Flame of Resistance
Jahnke Rd
Old Heroes
When I Said Forever...
Cheers* NO AUDIO

*All songs written by 30 Day Warranty except Cheers

One Voice

This Cassette "demo" was recorded and released in December of 1999. It sold for $2 at shows and helped us get our name around. Something like 150 coppies were sold and pressed. It is long out of print.

Go Oppression
Flagin em Down Falling Short
Youth Anthem Shallow Picking
Memory Pointless

Unreleased stuff

Some of these songs will appear on our first full legnth record. Plans are set for a winter of 2001 recording and a release by early 2002!

Too Fat Too Stage Dive Slow Song
A Million Words Hold On
The Art of Feeling Don't Look Back
Lost Ideas Opaque



Site designed and maintained by Brad Villemagne and Robert Nagel
All content Copyright © 2001