Here is where all of my logs will be going. Keep on checking this page because it will be updated as I coninue to pump out various works with my friends, or just solo.

Here is the log of Jacen's and Nich's reunion after his return. It's been long anticipated to RP and I'm so glad we've finally gotten around to it! Vital to the storyline!

The first time the Jinn that possess Jacen made an appearance in AIM, and it was in Gaming Chat no less.

Here is a log of Jacen's first meeting with an interesting little necromancer by the name of Sephrenia. Enjoy.

Hosaka Jenitsu, assassin and son of Lucifer, sent to kill the Jinn, hunts down Jacen and confronts him in an encoutner that escalades to a fight of such epic proportions no one could have seen this coming. An incredibly awesome fight and just all around great RPing. Check it out.

Up to this point, Jacen reunited with Nich once more, became mortally wounded, healed thanks to an angel, and now is back out in the world, trying to figure out what to do with the jumbled confusion that is his life. One night ended up offering him an opportunity he just couldn't refuse.

With some rather unexpected, heroic turn of events, Jacen, and Akasha face off with a tormented Dauthi Watchman.

A session where Jacen's standing of guilds and clans is finally adressed. Those curious in learning about Jacen, this is a good one to read.

Here is one of my lesser known characters, Isaiah Pureheart and his healer friend Katt Faeryfire. The first half of this log was lost sadly and so you'll all just have to settle for the last half.

For those who didn't know, I'm a hunter. Here is the first appearance of him when he met with two of the other hunters and received his enchanted items. This was my first time RPing him so it was kind of fun.
