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Optimizing Windows with WMI

Optimizing Windows - especially in general - is not easy, because there is no accounting for tastes. There are, however, some things you can do for the case and they can really burst Windows' performance.

This chapter divides into two parts; the first gives you some tips, and the other discusses how one can optimize Windows with WMI.

Before you change anything in Windows, it is highly recommended to record (backup the file you are to change, jot down the settings somewhere, etc.) the current status of the system, so if anything goes wrong or you feel that your system became clumsy, you have a point to return.

(NOTE: it is improbable that you can harm your Windows by performing the outlined methods, but I cannot guarantee anything!)
HINT: the \Windows\System\SysEdit.exe is a handy tool for opening the configuration files.)

General Optimizations


The cache settings are heavily system and application(!) dependent, but the following table tries to outline some possible values (they are in MB not in KB, multiply the value by 1024 before you apply it!):

Phys. Memory MinFileCache (rec.) MaxFileCache (rec.)
32 MB 0-1 MB (1 MB) 2-6 MB (4 MB)
64 MB 0-2 MB (2 MB) 4-8 MB (6 MB)
128 MB 0-2 MB (2 MB) 12-32 MB (16 MB)
256 MB 0-4 MB (2 MB) 16-32 MB (32 MB)
384 MB or more 0-4 MB (2 MB) 16-32 MB (32 MB)


Optimizing Windows by using WMI's log files

A WMI log file contains some information about the memory and CPU usage of you PC and that makes this WMI feature a fine tool for pulling more out of your computer.

Here is what to do, if you devise to optimize your system:

  1. run Setup and set the followings:

    Item Setting Remark
    Log file On don't forget to specify a log file by pressing the "Change File" button
    CPU Usage refresh int. 2-4 sec. -
    Memory Sensor refresh int. 15-25 sec. -
    Aut. Mem Optimization Off If you're interested in how effective WMI's memory optimization method you can repeat this "test" by turning on
    Aut. Mem. Optimization
    Sounds Off -

  2. use your computer as usual (model everyday usage),
  3. after some hours you might want to close WMI and peek into the created log file. At the end of the log file you will find a summary. Here's a table depicting what to look for:
Sensor Name When it's low When it's medium When it's high
CPU usage nothing to do nothing to do

It seems that you CPU can't really cope with your programs' need. You should consider buying a new processor.

Physical memory nothing to do nothing or use
Automatic Memory Optimization

The results show that your physical memory is always occupied, which forces Windows to use the slow swap file, instead of the fast memory.

If you run many applications at the same time, try to close some of them, which are not or rarely used.

You might try to use WMI with Automatic Memory Optimization enabled. If you use one huge program, you can try to run MemFree before starting it.

Although, the aforesaid procedures can resolve your problems, the best way that fully eliminates your problem is to buy more memory (you should have at least 64 MB or more).

Virtual memory nothing to do nothing now, but running more programs at the same time might require you to augment the swap file.

Your virtual memory is to be exhausted and this might lead to serious system slow downs and/or crash.

However, it's the easiest and cheapest problem you can face here. All you have to do is to change the size of the virtual memory (swap file):
=> click with the right mouse button on My Computer and go to Properties->Performance->Virtual Memory Size. Set a minimum and maximum value to the same number, which is at least 2x of your physical memory size, but (for common applications) not greater than 150-250 MB.

Sensor Name When it's poor When it's medium When it's efficient

Disk Cache Size

Poor cache size utilization can result from two things:

1. your cache size doesn't match correctly with the size of your physical memory.

If that's the case you can use Setup to adjust the cache size.

2. you run a program, which consumes much memory and therefore the cache can't grow to the specified size.

In that case you can try to reduce the size of the disk cache, which might also give more memory to your program(s).

When your cache size is utilized at the medium level you can leave it as it is, or try to perform the methods described at the 'poor cache size' column.

Your system can always maintain the specified cache size, which means, if you have set your cache size according to the physical amount of memory you have, there's nothing to do.


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WMI User's Guide     © 2000-2003 Károly Kálmán