

Sword and Stake

BtVS/AtS/Highlander Fanfic

~Fan Fiction by spikeNdru~



Disclaimer: BtVS and AtS characters are the property of Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy/20th Century Fox.   Highlander characters are the property of Panzer/Davis Productions, Gaumont International and Rysher Entertainment.  This is an unofficial site, not affiliated with any of those companies. No infringement is intended.

                                                                                        My LiveJournal:  Ramblings and Reflections





              Banner by "Painbow".



               Welcome to Sword and Stake, home of spikeNdru's Fanfiction.


What's New?


Snakes on a Plane has been completed.


Out of Africa  has been updated. 


2006 Vid Recs are finally up!






General/Ensemble Fanfics 

This page has links to fic with no pairings, ensemble fic, historical fic, and fic in which the story may include pairings but said pairings are not the raison d'etre of the fic. 


Shippy (M/F Pairings) Fanfics

This page has links to fic with specific M/F pairings, and fic in which the story may include an ensemble cast, but said pairings are sort  of the raison d'etre of the fic. 



Slash (M/M Pairings) Fanfics


This page has links to fic with specific M/M pairings, implied pairings, slashy innuendo and fic in which the story may include an ensemble cast, but said pairings are pretty much the raison d'etre of the fic.  Most of the fic on this page is written for adults. 




Short Stories


This page has links to stories under 3000 words, some of which may also be archived under the new category pages.  If you're looking for a quick read, this is the place.





  Fan Vid Recommendations by spikeNdru

These pages are devoted to my favorite Jossverse music videos.  Check out these great vids by some very talented vidders.


  Sword and Stake 2004 Video Awards




    Gen/Ensemble Fics      Shippy (M/F) Fics     Slash (M/M) Fics     Short Stories      Vid Recs






      Work also archived at Insane in the Basement  BtVS/AtS Humor site.












