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Hot Dogs

Summer isn't always fun for everybody...

I'm glad I'm not hot

Canines and canine lovers alike, it has come to my attention that summer can be a particularly distressing time to be a dog. It's not much fun to be left home alone but it's much worse to be taken along for the ride, only to be left in a car that upon being parked quickly turns into a kiln. As for dogs like Woolie, summer is even tougher. Pugs can't lose heat particularly efficiently due to their facial shape so they should be kept inside on hot days. A hot day can be gruelling for a pug so please be attentive to their needs!

It is very important that you know how dangerous it is to leave your dog in the car on a hot day. Please do not take your dog with you in the car if you intend to stop and leave the dog alone in there - not even for a moment. Just a tiny delay in returning and your dog could be in grave danger.

Did you know that a car left in the sun on a day of only 20°C (68°F) outside temperature will heat to 40°C (104°F) in 10 minutes and 60°C (140°F) after 20 minutes? Having the window open will make virtually no difference.

It only takes 6 minutes on hot days for a car to reach 55°C (131°F) - at this temperature if your dog is in the car it will be near death.

Some tips for helping your canine friend through summer:

*Spray your dog with water. Dogs are unable to sweat but spraying them with water - make sure it gets right down to the skin - will have a cooling effect as it evaporates.

*Provide a cool area for your dog to comfortably take respite from the heat.

*Make sure there is always plenty of cool clean water available to your dog. Check the supply and top it up at least once or twice a day as your dog may drink quite a bit, particularly on hot days.

*Provide a sand pit. Place a pile of sand in a shady area and water it. Your dog will love digging in the cool sand and resting on it to stay cool.

*Don't walk your dog in the heat. Despite seeming eager to walk your canine buddy could collapse from heat stress before you know it.

*Take your dog for a swim in safe waters. Be wary of snakes and stay away from shallow waters with rubbish and sharp items on the beds and contaminated waters.


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