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Labrador Profile

Labrador profile
All information on the above diagram is from "Labrador, An Owner's Guide" - by Dr Peter Neville. A fantastic resource and I recommend it to all Lab owners

Lab Characteristics

Labs truly love the water, infact Bess can sniff out 1 square millimetre of it from a distance of approximately 1 kilometre...or so it seems sometimes! Labradors are very strong swimmers and their thick coat means they'll even enjoy a swim on the chilliest days. Their other passion is food, food, food! These food fanatics are obsessed with the stuff which is one reason why they're easy to train.

Labradors as a rule are good tempered and agile. They're an intelligent adaptable breed and make truly devoted companions with their strong will to please and kindly nature.

Many Labs are prone to putting on weight very easily, so this needs to be monitored, but generally they are a healthy breed. Nevertheless Labradors, as with all breeds, are susceptible to some specific health problems. Problems to watch for in Labradors include: hip dysplasia, other joint problems such as OCD and arthritis, ear infections, and eye problems.

As the name suggests Labs are retrievers and you'll find they like to carry around items they discover in your house or garden. They're patient and relaxed with children and make fantastic family dogs. Labrador Retrievers love people - and action. If they're not entertained with toys and daily walks they become bored. Because they are so large and enthusiastic, they can be a handful if untrained. Labs require a lot of exercise. Unexercised they may be forced to alleviate their energy and boredom by turning to destruction.

Labradors come in three recognized colours: black, chocolate and yellow.

You should brush their coats around once a week and you do not need to wash your labby very often. Baths are only required when their coat smells offensive, at other times just a rinse should do fine.

Labradors are useful in lots of different roles. They are great hunters, are used in field trials and of course make terrific pets. They are also used as Service and Therapy dogs, in Search and Rescue work, and make excellent Bomb, Narcotic, and Arson dogs.

Leaping lab

See the Burke's Backyard 'roadtest' of the labrador retriever

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