
Ecommerce solutions for small and medium-sized businesses have advanced to the point of "plug and play", it has simply become a matter of choosing a web hosting alternative to suit the needs of a given business.

But something that is consistently overlooked at online stores are the numbers of viewers who are doing research, price comparison, or have their own reasons for not entering credit card information.

Engaging these potential customers in a dialog may help them make a choice, and generate leads for the sales department.

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An Alternative Ecommerce Solution
for customers who don't want to enter in their card numbers

To Reserve This Product:

Email proprieter@store.com

Phone 567.231.4098

Sales Dept.
Brick and Mortar Store
Street Address
City, State, ZIP

Or fill out this form to send an electronic reservation of your choice.


Email *





Do you have any questions that we can help you with?


May our sales dept. contact you with other offers?

Yes No






The product will be reserved for 10 working days only, and be shipped on reciept of a check or money order.

* Required if you wish email confirmation of your reservation


Reasons for this Approach:

What the point of this is giving the customer a variety of choices, letting them be in charge of how and when they make the decision. Too often, potential customers are driven off by obstacles that the design of a web site puts in front of them.

A brick and mortar contrast is that, for the most part, we do not demand information from customers as they enter a store and begin product selection. We wait until they pay with a check before we demand some form of I.D. But there are a few online stores that have made it appear that a customer needs to sign up before even looking at pictures of the product. Another example of Mystery Navigation at work.

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