

Articles from the print media and other samples.

The Upper Tacoma Rennaiassance did not just come about by itself. Read about the people who made it all happen ...
Published in the Tacoma Reporter

Where the homeless can go for help: An article about agencies that are part of the solution...
Published in the Tacoma Weekly

How four men banded together to go North to Alaska and found a new home...
Published in the Tacoma Weekly

Billed as the "Demonstration of the Century", 3000 reporters with their camera crews, microphones, laptops, fax machines, and cell phones were tear gassed and scared in the television event of the century... (unpublished, but too much fun to leave out)

What should be bad science fiction becomes all too real When Robots Rule the world...

Parents discover just how far their kids are ahead of them in Boys and Girls and Spaceships to the moon...

An exercise in technical writing on Cascading Style Sheets...

Excerpt from a book...

And some poetry...

Finally, the library and archives...

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