
Ongoing Projects

Budgeted Internet Presence
for community groups and small businesses:

Malone's White Fedora, Mystery and Suspense, just designed, coming on line soon:

An online catalog store to allow a small business to take and fulfill orders for worldwide trade, designed to be search engine and index friendly: The working draft version.

For Creative Community Access Television, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, the CCAT Web Site has been running for several years and has allowed visitors from all over the world to get and share information. It is also an example of how a frames site can be constructed with a built-in alternate for search engines and voice browsers, and requires no "click here" for text version link.

ccat screenshot

And for the Tacoma Citizens for Charter Review, a site that has city charter review information and an online viewable text of the Tacoma City Charter. This site passed the "Bobby Test" for disabled access.

charter review screenshot

The original design of the Tacoma Universalist Unitarian Church web site:

UUAT screenshot


Or, view an ecommerce solution.

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