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Bits and Pieces of New Earth

Alternate Logo.
War rocks the earth. Thirteen thousand people, the last remnants of the human race, will be the only ones to escape the horrors. In the thirteen largest spacecraft ever known to man, they are shot into space to search for a new world to inhabit. Millenniums later they encounter a planet that will sustain them. This planet they call NEW EARTH.

NEW EARTH'S atmosphere and gravity are different from Old Earth's, opening worlds of magic and mystery to the new arrivals.

NEW EARTH appears to be the perfect world for humans, bringing peace, wonder and hope to the human race. That is until an ancient alien race known as the Faceless Ones come to invade the planet. Will the descendants of Old Earth find peace, or will the Faceless Ones cause history to repeat itself?

NEW EARTH combines the worlds of magic and technology like no other role playing game you have experienced ever has. The intricate characters, smooth game play, and imaginative options makes NEW EARTH a whole new world of role playing.

Designer's Journal

Click here for a complete timeline for New Earth.

Click here for theNew Earth Glossary.

Click here for Quick Start rules for New Earth.