Moon Lore

There's a different theme for each different moon of the year, so click on the name of a month above to learn more!!

The Chaste Moon

Cocoa and CookiesBecause this Moon waxes full when snow is still on the ground in many places, it holds the power of purity, innocence and joy. It speaks to the child within us - a reminder of when life was simple, a time when a smile went a long way, and everything imaginable seemed possible. Because of this, the Chaste Moon makes us want to laugh, run and play, turn cartwheels, and have fun.

Beneath Her light, we find solutions to messy situations. Barriers flex and give way, and our personal goals are suddenly attainable. The Chaste Moon brings us the opportunity to toss out that which is old and useless. Her coming is the signal to turn a page in life's book and start a new chapter.


Chaste Moon Ideas:

  • Wear white to honor innocence and joy. 
  • Decorate your altar with white flowers - narcissus and other early blooming flowers work well. 
  • Cast the Circle using the wand, cleanse it with burning sage, and use white candles. 
  • Serve chocolate chip cookies and milk for libation 
  • Write down requests for inspiration your life, opportunity, and fresh perspective, then toss them into running water, saying:
    • "Take these, Water, as Your guests
      These needs and wishes and requests
      To the Cosmos on Your seas
      As I will, so mote it be!"
  • Take steps to simplify your life. If you're a pack rat or having trouble letting go of useless possessions, for example, light a white candle in honor of the Chaste Moon. Then ask for Her help, try saying:
    • "O Purest Moon of Wondrous Light,
      Put what's useless in my sight. 
      Help me clear it all away. 
      Simplify my life this day."