Moon Lore

There's a different theme for each different moon of the year, so click on the name of a month above to learn more!!

Wine/Harvest Moon

This Moon is called the Wine or Harvest Moon because it rises to fullness during the time of the grape harvest. As wine ingestion alters the state of consciousness, ancient people believed that it put them in touch with the Divine Self and its wisdom. For this reason, the Harvest Moon is a celebration of spirit.

As such, the Harvest Moon provides a good time to be quiet, still the body, and let the spirit take over. Pay attention to the wisdom that lives within you. Nurture it. Fertilize it. Cultivate and harvest it. Then follow wherever it takes you.


Wine/Harvest Moon Ideas:

  • Wear shades of purple and lavender to invoke wisdom, and create the atmosphere necessary to call upon the Divine Self for guidance.
  • Decorate the altars with flowering herbs and fruit of the season.
  • Use purple or lavender candles and burn Full Moon incense. Alternatively, burn sage, allspice, or mugwort as incense.
  • Serve graham crackers spread with peanut butter, and grape juice for libation.
  • Have a grape-eating contest in honor of Bacchus and Dionysus, Gods of Wine and Harvest. Let the winner bless the participants with a grape juice toast by saying:
    • "With this juice I bless you all,
      Big and little, large and small. 
      By Gods of Wine and Ancient Crone
      May Wisdom be your guide alone!"
  • Weather permitting, go outdoors with a piece of the season's best fruit. Give the fruit back to Mother Earth by burying it in the ground. As you bury the fruit, say:
    • "I offer You this perfect food
      With thanks and love for all You do
      I honor You,
      O Mother Earth
      Please bless me with Your joy and mirth."
  • The Harvest Moon also provides a good time for little brain-teasing spiritual exercise. Think of something and have someone else try to guess your thoughts. Keep it simple and let everyone have a turn.