Inspired by WiccaCraft for Families by Margie McArthur.

The altar should be decorated with budding branches (pussy willow is nice), early greenery and flowers, with 4 baskets of colored eggs and 4 large pale green candles placed at the four quarters.

Also needed:

  • Tall white candle
  • cauldron
  • a plate with some seeds for planting
  • some pots prepared with soil for planting the seeds
  • some water to water the newly planted seeds



We celebrate this day the awakening of the Earth from Her winter slumbers. The Maiden has fully returned from the dark underworld, and life springs forth anew throughout the land.


Light and Dark stand as equals on this day. As the days begin to grow longer, brighter, warmer, let us celebrate the return of Spring. With joy in our hearts and a song on our lips. Let us call upon the Magic Spirits of Spring!


Spring is the time for:
Gentle breezes that turn into kite flying winds.
Spirits of Air, Be with us now.


Spring is the time for:
The balmy warmth of the sun on our backs as we plant things in our gardens.
Spirits of Fire, Be with us now.


Spring is the time for:
Spring showers to water our gardens, Watching the birds bathe in puddles.
Spirits of Water, Be with us now.


Spring is the time for:
Working the good, dark, moist soil, Finding earthworms, planting seeds,
Admiring the first wildflowers.
Spirits of Earth, Be with us now.


Joyous Maiden, newly returned to Earth. We see and feel your presence all around us. We give greetings to you!


Green Man! Lord of the Greenwood! Shepherd of all creatures wild and free. We see and feel you in all the newborn creatures of the wild. We give greetings to you!

Priestess lights the tall white candle that is in the cauldron


We light this fire on this day of equal light and equal dark, as a symbol of the growing power of the sun. May the cold darkness of winter be banished! Let the light shine forth!


Join with me as we call upon the returning tide of light, life, and growth!
We call forth the Gentle Rains!
Bless us, O Gentle Rains!
We call forth the Fertile Earth!
Bless us, O Fertile Earth!
We call forth the Warm Sun!
Bless us, O Warm Sun!
We call forth the Soft Breezes!
Bless us, O Soft Breezes!
Come forth, Springtime Powers of the Four Directions!
Come forth and bring bounty to the land!

All join hands and circle around the cauldron.


Hail Earth, Mother of All!

All circle until the Priestess calls "Down!" Then drop to their knees, facing the altar, and channel the power raised into the seeds on the altar.


Let the power stream forth through our hands and into these seeds before us, symbolic of all the seeds that will be planted in this season of spring. Let them be charged with our energy, and that of the Gods, that with the protection and help of the nature spirits and devas, they may grow strong and true, vibrant and healthy. So mote it be!

When all the power has gone into the seeds, the participants drop their hands into their laps, and a child, previously chosen, comes forward and plants the seed or seeds in the prepared pots.


Let us now bid farewell to the magic spirits.


Spirits of Earth, Fertile, nurturing body of the Mother, Devas, Nature spirits,
we thank you for your presence, and now bid you farewell.


Spirits of Water, gentle spring rains,
we thank you for your presence, and now bid you farewell.


Spirits of Fire, warmth of the sun,
we thank you for your presence, and now bid you farewell.


Spirits of Air, winds that blow free,
we thank you for your presence, and now bid you farewell.


Joyous Maiden, Gracious Mother, Your presence is all around us. We thank you.


Lord of the Wildwood, Father of All, Your presence is all around us. We thank you.


This rite is ended. Merry meet and merry part!


And merry meet again!