Ostara Circle Notes

Use a green altar cloth, pastel colored candles, and decorate with wild flowers or flowers of the season. Burn Ostara incense (use a recipe from Ostara Recipes 2). Use small baskets of appropriately colored eggs to mark the Quarters.

Cast the Circle with the wand. Alternatively, use a flowering branch of some sort. Dogwood, cherry, and pussy willow branches all work well.

Ostara Celebration Ideas

  • Serve deviled eggs and milk for libation instead of cakes and wine
  • Using a white crayon, label boiled eggs with qualities that you'd like to add to your personality or life. For example, you might label one with prosperity, another with kindness, and so on. Dye each egg an appropriate color, bless it during the ritual and eat it. Know that the quality's spiritual seeds have been planted within you and will flourish throughout the year.
  • Plant an uncooked egg at each corner of your property to ensure a fruitful home life. As you put each egg in place, say:
    • Fertile egg of ancient life
      Bring joy and laughter - ease all strife --
      And with your great fertility
      Grant perfect love and harmony
      To all who live within these bound
      Be they person, thing, wild life or hound
  • Thoroughly beat three eggs and blend them into a quart of milk. Bless the mixture by saying:
    • Fertile measures of the Earth
      Meld and mix with joy and mirth
      Bring all you touch fertility
      As I will, so mote it be!!
  • Then use it to asperge and bless any yet unplanted garden areas (if you don't have an outdoor space but intend to grow seeds indoors, put the mixture in a spray bottle and thoroughly mist the insdie area of the pots).Then use it to asperge and bless any yet unplanted garden areas (if you don't have an outdoor space but intend to grow seeds indoors, put the mixture in a spray bottle and thoroughly mist the insdie area of the pots).
  • As you sprinkle the area, say:
    • Milk and egg, now fertilize
      This plot of Earth beneath the skies
      I bless this place by the Lord and Maid
      Soil grow rich in sun and shade
  • Weather permitting, hold hold the rite outdoors in the garden space.  After the ritual, mark out the planting area and till it thoroughly, working the soil until it's smooth and supple.  Then spread out a blanket and have a picnic on the spot.  Make plans for planting the garden.

Ostara Quarter Calls

North Invocation

Earth Element of the North,
Your solid form supports me.
You are the embodiment
Of the Great Mother
Enter my Circle with blessings
Of strength and nurturing.
Hail and Welcome!

East Invocation

Air Element of the East,
Your breeze caresses and refreshes
Spreading the sweet scents
Of spring blossoms.
Enter my Circle with blessings
Of inspiration and wisdom.
Hail and Welcome!

South Invocation

Fire Element of the South,
You are the blessed sun
That warms the awakening Earth
And prepares her for planting.
Enter my Circle with blessings
Of vitality and passion.
Hail and Welcome!


West Invocation

Water Element of the West,
Your tides flow within us
With every heartbeat.
Your showers cause seeds to sprout.
Enter my Circle with blessings
Of deep peace and intuition.
Hail and Welcome!

West Devocation

Water Element of the West
I thank you
For your presence here
And your blessings
Of deep peace and intuition
Hail and Farewell!

South Devocation

Fire Element of the South
I thank you
For your presence here
And your blessings
Of vitality and passion
Hail and Farewell!

East Devocation

Air Element of the East
I thank you
For your presence here
And your blessings
Of inspiration and wisdom
Hail and Farewell!

North Devocation

Earth Element of the North
I thank you
For your presence here
And your blessings
Of strength and nurturing
Hail and Farewell!