From The Real Witch's Coven by Kate West.

In this Ritual we will be emphasizing that theme of balance. If you can, find two cauldrons, or other fireproof vessels, and place one or two nightlights in the bottom of each. You will also need a number of small pieces of paper and some pencils. In the preparation time just before Ritual get each person to write on one piece of paper the things they wish to get rid of and on another the things they wish to begin. These can be practical things such as giving up smoking and starting a course of study, they can be emotional thoughts and feelings, or things directly related to the Craft. The Coveners should bring these papers into Circle with them, taking care not to get them mixed up!

After the Sabbat Explanation the High Priestess stands before the Altar and addresses the group:

"Dark gives way to light, the days increase in length. Now is the time for us to move from darkness into light, to cast off that which is no longer needful."

She lights a taper from the Altar candle and lights the candles in the first Cauldron, saying:

"This is the fire of the old, let it burn away the things we no longer need. Blessed Be."

Then each person in turn places their paper with the things they wish to get rid of into the flames, perhaps stating out loud their wishes or simply saying:

"Goddess Eostar take from me these things which I no longer need. Blessed Be."

(Note: if performing this indoors you may wish to consider the potential effects on any smoke alarm you may have fitted.)

Next, the High Priest steps forward and addresses the group:

"Dark gives way to light, the days increase in length. Now is the time for us to move from darkness into light, to take on new hopes and aspirations."

He lights the taper from the first Cauldron and lights the candle(s) in the second one, saying:

"This is the fire of the new, let it bring us to those things which are needful for us to grow in the light of the Old Gods. Blessed Be."

Into these flames are placed the papers stating the things people wish to take on. These segments of Ritual can be separated by chanting and/or dancing if you wish. The Rite of Wine and Cakes is then performed.