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As some of you may already know, my family originates from Romania. I visited there for the first time about 3 years ago. For reasons I shall not go into, I was not totally overwhelmed with the place during my first visit. However, this May I went again and this time I was very much taken with the beautiful country of my ancestors. The reason I went this time, is that my father got back the little mansion in which he was born and where he spent the first 9 or 10 years of his childhood. The house is in bad repair and is currently undergoing restoration. I was put in charge for overseeing the interior refurbishment, such as which room will be used for what purpose etc..
On these pages I would like to share some images of my trip with you.

For a closer look at a map of Romania, click on the image above.

Iasi, Moldavia

This is Iasi seen from a hill near by. Iasi is the second biggest city in Romania. It is the capital of Moldavia where my family is from.
A view over the country side taken from a strip of land high above Iasi and which my brother bought and will hopefully one day build a house on.
A cow (obviously LOL) standing in front of (and in of course)  the beautiful countryside around Iasi.
Most of the roads had lines of trees running alongside them. Very often you could see horses grazing in between the road and the trees. That strip of land is communal and can be used by anyone. The acres beyond either belong to individual farmers or to a coop of different farmers. This dates back from the colchose days of the communists.
This is a statue in Iasi. It depicts the Queen Mary of Romania and the 3 children in her arms represent the 3 Romanian Provinces. The little one kneeling represents  ex-pat Romanians. This statue is of interest to me in as much as it was done by my great grandmother. It got destroyed by the communists of course but a few years back my family's agent had it rebuilt by a famous Romanian sculptor . :o)
Romanian Orthodox churches are famous for their paintings, inside and out. The ones we visited in Iasi were ornated outside but had no paintings.This little angel was on the inside of one of the most beautiful churches we visited. But since the walls are so high and the light rather dim it is also the only one we were able to photograph.