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For a closer look at a map of Romania, click on the image above.


On our last day we went back to Bucharest. I say back cause that is where we initially landed. But on that first day we didn't stay there but drove for about 6 hours or so to Iasi. In Bucharest we went to an open air museum where some very interesting buildings were on view. These houses were all historical ones and had been transported from their original locations to this place. They basically show how the Romanian people used to live in the bye gone centuries. We took picture of some of the Moldavian ones only.

Sorry this is so dark and non-sharp. Best I could do for now with the scanner I have here..
This is the porch of a tiny little church built completely out of wood. It dates back about 300 years or so.
Most of the houses, though simple and small, had lovely little decorative details. Such as this blue window and the beautifully carved gable.
 Here is another such example. The door is lovingly painted and the beam above the porch again has very artful carvings.
Now this of course is something completely different... This building is the so called Palace of the People. It is only one of the many examples of Ceaucescu's utter megalomania. He really built it for his own "glory" and the starving people who built it, paid for it with tears, blood and their lives. Their payment was the honour of having been part of it- and the "glory" of their leader. You can't see its dimensions here but it is the biggest building in the world- after the Pentagon. And that it isn't in fact bigger is only due to a mistake in calculations as he wanted to have the biggest of them all. Apparently it has as many floors underground as it does over ground. It was finished only after his execution and now houses some governmental body in it.

You have now reached the end of our little tour through Romania. I am hoping to include some more pics as our friend Chris promised to share the ones he took. But till he gets 'round to it, this is all. Hope you enjoyed.