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My Baby Fairies' Nursery

These are my baby fairies! Aren't they cute? You can get your own fairies by clicking on any of their birth certificates.


Birth Certificate This is Hunter. He is a little boy fairy that enjoys getting into trouble. Boy does he get in trouble! I can never keep track of him, so I finally put him in this play nursery that has a magic key. I figure I'll give him that ball to play with so that he can practice getting and catching things. Hunter will be a great hunter when he is older. He is very small waying only 4 oz. His wings will one day make him able to fly and soar. He also has brown hair and blue eyes.


Birth Certificate This is Autumn. He is an autumn fairy, and enjoys autumn most out of all the seasons. His sister, Spring, is a spring fairy, who I will tell you about if you scroll down. Autumn is yet another trouble maker, just like his bud Hunter. They can really cook up trouble. Autumn is also small, waying 3 oz, a little smaller than Hunter. Autumn has blond hair and blue eyes. Autumn will one day help other faires change the color of the leaves in the fall, that is why I gave him this ball, so that he can change the colors of it.


Birth Certificate This is Sprite. She is Hunter's sister, but unlike Hunter, she doesn't get into so much trouble. She has her fair share of it, but not much. Sprite loves animals. I got her a puppy to keep her company. Sprite is a giggling, bubbly little girl fairy, with orange hair and very pretty wings. Sprite weighs 3 oz. She is lovable and huggable and everyone loves her. She will one day be a baby sitter to other young fairies.


Birth Certificate And last but not least (she's not really last any more) is Spring. She is a girl spring fairy that will one day ,when she's older, make the flowers bloom in the spring. All she has to do is paint on the flowers and spring buds of the new tree leaves. I gae her some paints so she could practice. She is the best behaved of her friends and brother. Never gotten into trouble. Spring has a very sweet, gental attitude and is highly lovable (not that the rest aren't). She is 2oz, with red hair and pastel wings.


Birth Certificate This is China. She is a very pretty summer fairy. She will one day help make the sunrise and makes sure it shines. When she's sick is when it will rain. She hs orange hair, blue eyes, and very bright sunny yellow and snow white wings. She weighs 3 oz. She loves the sun which is why I gave her the little yellow sun pillow.


Birth Certificate Sassy is a birthday fairy. She celabrates the month of August. I got her even though my birthday is in December. Isn't she cute? She has brownish and black wings, orange hair, and green-black eyes. Sassy weighs 2.5 oz. Sassy lives up to her name,a nd can sometimes be sassy, but other wise is very good.

An so, those are my babies. Some day destined to go out and make the human world a better, prettier, warmer, fuller place! When you are done here, you can go to

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