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"Monday is an awful way to spend 14.3% of your life." - Unknown

I'm really bored so I decided to add a Quote to my site. I'll try and change it weekly, but don't bet on it. I'm busy. I've changed it a few times now, and trust me, I don't have a lot of time to work on my page, between school and practicing for wind symphony. If you have any quotes you'd like me to put up, just e-mail me and let me know.

Hi! I'm Klutz. I hope you enjoy my page (which is currently under construction). I will provide links for you to go to my various other pages, of which aren't inder construction.

Okay, I'm going to tell you about my self now, so if you don't want to read about it, then just scroll down and save your sanity. My name is *****, but you may call my Klutz. Don't think you're offending me, it's one of my known nicknames. I'm 14, live in Wisconsin, and have long brown hair and eyes that change color. I like cats, tigers, flowers, music, BtVS, DC, and jazz band. I sing in choir and am in band and jazz band. I'm known for my trademark ponytail and necklace. Also, I have a sense of humor and a hidden black hole. That's all you need to know about me. If you want to know more, e-mail me. I don't know why you would unless you were really really bored... but if you really want to...

<-My cat page. I love cats. Big cats, small cats, old cats, young cats, wild cats, tame cats, pretty much cats in general. I have my own cat page, that you can see by clicking HERE

I have won quite a few awards. If you would like to see them,click here. Most of them are for various quizzes, bot others are for my very own page!

I love the beach. It's probably my favorite place to be, besides my bedroom, Barnse and Noble and the river. My friend Katie, knowing this, sent me this globe. Isn't it perfect?

Here's my half of a friendship heart. The other half is on my friend Katie's page!

Here's my good luck clover, click it to go get your own
Click here for Good Luck