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My Wonderful World of Cats!

"I've met many thinkers and many cats, but the wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." -Hippolyte Taine

I'm so sorry that I haven't changed my quote in awhile, but I've been busy, and then school started and etc. etc. etc.

This is my wonderful world of cats. This page is dedicated to all the cats in my life and in this world. Also to Katie. But that's only cause she told me to write that.

Here, I will have all sorts of things on cats. My cats, your cats, cat images, and places you can go for your cats. It will be great.

If you would like me to put you cats piture on my page, just let me know. That is how my cat page will work. You want to see something on it, you e-mail me (my address is at the bottom) and I will try and get it on within ten days of when you mailed me. Also, if you have a question, on cats or anything else, you can e-mail me and I'll answer it as best I can.

Heya all! The next thing down there is info 'bout my cats! Aren't The'y cute?

King- Full name- Kingerman Elvis Presley Jr (last name unknown) Color/fur- Kings fur is very soft and he has alot of it. He is a brown tabby with black stripes. He also has high lights of green. He has white-cream under his chin and yellow/white around his eyes. Personality- Very friendly with me but hates everyone else, including my best friend who has been at my house god knows how many times. He is a big baby that feeds on attention. King has this habit of getting milk rings. You know, the little thing you pull of the milk jug? He LOVES those. I have taught him to catch them. He'll stand at the bottom of our stair case and leap up and catch them. It is very cute. Age-5 That's about it on him.

Chucky- Full name-Charles Finster (last name unknown) Color/fur-Chucky's fur is so black that it shines blue in the sunlight (does that make sence?) He has for white feet, and a patch of white in his tummy and under his chin. All of his fur is extremely silky. Personality-Chucky is the oldest of all three and is basically the "Elder". He is a laid back lap cat that doesn't do much, unless it is Christmas or something because he likes wrapping paper. Chucky loves rubber bands. I have no clue why, but he does. He'll sneak into my room, and then climb on my desk and pull one out of the container. I go throug more rubber bands in a week, than most people do in a year! Age-8

Finally, is Kirby. The baby of the family. Full name- Kirberman Pucket ( last name unknown) Color/fur- Kirby is a tabby, like king, but he is grey. He has lighter gray fur and darker grey stripes. His undercoat is also a dark grey. He has white under his chin exept for a strip of grey that looks kinda like a bridle. His tummy is a very very very light grey, but it is not white. Personality-Kirby is very frisky and likes to fight and play with his older brothers. Even when he wasn't much bigger than a hand, he was pouncing and biting his older brothers, that if they wanted to could sling him into the wall with a flick of their head. Okay, so I've told you about what King and Chucky like, so I'll tell you about Kirby. You must promise not to laugh. Kirby likes socks. I don't know whay, but he loves'em. He'll come up to you and try and pull them off your feet. It's sooooooo cute! Age-3

This area is in memory of my first cat, Tigger. He died when I was six because of urinary problems. We were away and wern't able to catch it in time to save him. He was put to sleep. Tigger, Rest In Peace.

Isn't is strange how cats are always go along with Halloween? Especilly black cats? I have a black cat and he isn't bad luck. He isn't good luck either, but he certainly isn't bad luck.

SSSSSSSSSSSSH! This cat is very tired! He needs his sleep!

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish, I wish tonight... Cats have wishes to ya know. All though Most of them are probably along the food or treat line, they do have wishes to!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND ME SOMETHINGS!!!! Pictures of your cats,your friends cats, a link, animations (of cats or wild cats like lions and tigers)advice for my advice section, problems for my problem section, or questions for my question section(all of which are soon to come). PLEASE!! I will not beg but I will say PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me some stuff!

Questions Around The World! This is my are for questions from anyone, any where. If you have a question, I will post it in my question box (below) and give people one week to mail me an answer for the question. Keep in mind there is NO prizes. None what so ever. Exept for a feeling of helping your fellow cat lover! If you would like me to put you name and E-mail address after the question, please let me know in your e-mail. (-:

Qusetions- 1a. A boy writes-Is it okay to give my cat milk? He is 4 years old and has been drinking it sense he was little.

Have an answer? E-mail me @ (it is at the bottom of my page)


1a. Well, giving you cat milk won't hurt him, although it might make him a little loose.

2a.I wouldn't give him milk, especilly if he eats food out of a can. That would probably be a little to much liquid and moisture.

That's about it for now. Don't forget to come back!


Blinking Eye Cat, Scardy Cat, Twin Cat's with mouse, and Star cat Pictures (c) Kitty Roach

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Some Cool Cat Links... And Then Some!

Friskies.Com. Do I need to say more?
Ty is a great place to find Kitty Collectibles
a place to find info on lions and tigers, and other big cats
CYBER PET- Feline articles
My bad. I know I said only cat things, but Katie's my best friend and I am putting her page on as a link
Okay, my bad again, but Maria is also my friend PLUS she has a cat page also!
