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My Favorite Sites

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Hi! This is my links page. Below, are some of my faaaaaavorite links. I hope you like them.

Annie's Page

Annie has just started her page, so please keep that in mind when you go to see her page.

Maria's Page

This is Maria's page. It's really cool and has some interesting pictures.

Katie's Page

This is my very bestest friends page. Please go or she might hurt me!

Dawson's Creek-

This is a very cool site if you are a DC fan. Definitely a must see


Big cats. Not much else to say about that. Just go there if you like BIG cats.

My Dawson's Creek Home page

This is my other DC page. It's mine, not anybody else's.

Blue Mountain

Great place to get animated cards.

Mini Golf

Can you believe it? Mini Golf online!

Useless-but cool-sites

They're kinda stupid, but VERY cool.


YaHoo! has everything!

Useless-but cool-sites

They're kinda stupid, but VERY cool.

Jack Handy's deep thought's

Deep, but not THAT deep.