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V Names


Eng & Irish Ch Vagabond of Brittas
Vaile's Weis v Liebestraum
Valentine v Shepwold
Valeska von Shepwold
Can GVCh Vali v Sieghaus
Vali v Wiegerfelsen
Valiant of Ayron
ACGVCh Valiant of Draham CD ROM
Valiant of Four Winds
Ch Valiant of Sussex Leigh
Vallas v Liebestraum
Ch Valley Hill Knight's Tango
Ch Valmark's Amity
Ch Valmark Brick
Ch Valmark Burma
Valmark's Kevin
Ch Valmark Kris
Valmy's Chris of Chelsea
Valor of Floyd
Valoree vom Forsthaus
Valricha of Quell
Ch Valrich's Amity
Valrich's Fantasy
Valrich's Ivan *53
Valrich's Juno of Krokea
Valrich's Kevin
Valrich's Kim *
Valrich's Mary Corrin
Valrich's Rinty II
Ch Valrich's Tango von Markath
Vanora of Oldway
Vasko of Wolverhampton
Vaughan Ragnhild Felixina W58
Vaughn Ellen
Vee-Roi's Black Riff
Ch Vee-Roi's Cerberus of Dornwald
Vee-Roi's Gretchen III
Vee-Roi's Katrinka of Jappe
Vee-Roi-s Little Liebchen
Vee-Roi's Roxanna
Vee-Roi's Tag of Mistyhill
Sgrn Vefi v Niedersachsen
Vein vom Eisenfeld W54
Veit vom Haus Woller
V-Vello zd Sieben-Faulen SchH3FH
Venus of Hollandshire*
Verville Pal Caesar *59
Via Durke Lauenstein
Vici Liebestraum W56
Vicki Liza of Knollcrest W56
Vicki of Edgewold CD
Vicki of Elmwood
Vicountess of Woodside
Victoria Lass W44
Victoria of Bestjohn CD
Victoria v Klaw Hawkis CD
Victoria v Schoeffelhof
Vidor of Rocky Reach UD
Vidor of Tataris
Vigo von Herzoganzer
Viki of Greenfield
Viki v Bern
Ch.Viking of Grafmar
Ch Viking v Hoheluft
Vikkas Alda av Hvitsand
Eng Ch Vikkas Donna av Hvitsand
Vikkas Earl
Vikkas Lariat ad Hvitsand
Vikki v Bern
Viktor of Bernkastel W
Villa C's Bambi W57
Violetta v Nordland
Ch Vivace of Wald-Horn
Vixen von Rausch
Ch Vol of Longworth ROM
Sgr Volker v Zollgrenzschutz-Haus
Volmark Beau Brummel
Von Auckland's Adonis
Von Auckland's Alexis
Von Auckland's Beau Geste
Von Auckland's Fiedelbogen
Von Bruno von Zieglerhof W67
Von Fessler's Black Duchess
Von Fessler's Count Shasta W65
Von Heidelberg's Bruno
Von Heidelberg's Countess *63
Von Hershman's Greta
Von Inez Alfong *52
Von Kuehn of Dunkirk *49
Ch Von Ludwig of Oakglenn
Von Maxted's Nero W52
Von-Maxted's Sebastian
Von Nassau's Annce
Von Nassau's Baron von Fessler CD
Von Nassau's Chancellor
Von Nassaus Dag
Von Nassau's Delight
Von Nassau's Frigga
Von Nassau's Karron
Von Nassau's Replica
Von Nassau's Rex Thor
Von Nassau's Sir Rahasah
Von Nassau's Tika W60
Von Nassau's Tuscaha W58
Von Schrief's Imp
Von Toby of Wurster *
Vox of Long Worth
Ch Vox Wikingerblut
Vunny of Wolverhampton W59

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