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W Names


Waldemere of Eden
Waldenmark's Nestor
Waldenmark's Wacker
Waldeslust's Brandi
Waldeslust's Chris
Waldeslust's Skipper
Waldeslust's Wyat-E of Long Worth UD
Wallingrove's Fella
Wallingrove's Valor Mood
Wallowa's Duke v Schmitz
Wamalu's Jilda W58
Wanda v Blaisenberg
Warrior of Longworth
Ch Warrior of Rocky Reach CD
Ch Warrior Wolf of Freeport UD
Wascana Glenroy of Robertly(Eng)
Watzer v Bad Melle SchH3
Weberhaus War Fang
Ch Wednesday of Flashonia
Weir's Candy W61
Weiss Konig W48
Weiss Konig W56
Weisser Traum von Krone W55
Wendy of Hobby House
Werida of Grettamarc
Ch Werra v Haus Schutting of Picardy
Ch Western Candidate of Giralda
Wheteyville Aden
Whiskey of Storm Hilda
White Baron of Marcabar W54
White Baroness of Marcabar W54
White Beauty von Heidelberg W53
White Cloud of Kell-Dora W62
White Cricket of Menkenmoor W55
White Dawn O'Connor *53
White Dot of San Miguel W
White Duke of New York W62
White Jonny of Granvue (Eng imp)
White King VII W52
White King of Longworth (W)
White Lady of San Miguel W69 White Lady of San Miguel II W70
White Missie of San Miguel II W70
White Ranee of Ivel (Eng.)
White Star of Wesmill W57
White Vulcan v Rotawald W63
Whitelaw of Brownwood W
Whitie von Ruhmstall W51
Wick Lane's Executive
Wil-Mar's Liza of Sierra Vada
Wiladel Sally
Wildwood Silver Echo *56
Wilhelmina von Dusseldorf W
Wilhelmina von Weigert
Ch Willa of Long Worth
Willa of Netmoke *55
Willa of Rocky Reach
Willa von Englert W
Willeo's Annie v Setag W48
Willette of Grafmar
Ch William K of Rocky Reach UD
Willow Grange Royal Dusk
Willson Gretchen
Willson Honcho W57
Ch Wilva Don's Aaron
Wilva Don's Smoki of Holdgraf
Windi's Prince Max
Windomere's Guardian Kalea W56
Ch Winnette of Long Worth
Winsome Lady *
Winsome Lady of Long Worth
Winter Creek Lodges Karrie Heim
Winter Creek Lodges Minor
Wisener's White Guard W
Wisky von Alpen Brau
Woker vom Richterbach
Wolf von Tippleskirch
Wolfgang vom Meyermann
Wolfgang von Spreewald
Wolverine Lady *52
Woodhaven's Duke
Woofer's Vaurion of Rocky Reach
Ch Wotan vom Richterbach SchH1 CDX ROM
Wotana of Grafmar
Wright's Elsa of Nicklaus
Wyi Stella Sirius
Wyndham's Prince W61
Wynthea's Honey
Wysa von Alpenstadt

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