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Maquis Ships

Maquis fighter

An abortive raid on the Bryma colony used two of these warp-capable craft, pumped up with recently acquired -- the only two ships in possession by the Maquis which could handle them. The small ship had a squarish cramped cabin for its a crew of two, with the pilot seated to port. The ships were of Federation design. For the Bryma raid, a phaser emitter was located just under the forward nose, and photon torpedoes were fired from an tube forward; at least five were fired consecutively. A pulse cannon unit fired distinct and thin light-yellow beams from each forward mid-wing, vectoring in to hit a single target. It is unknown, but one of these early ships may have been the Federation-built support cruiser used by United Federation of Planets colonists only days earlier. Chakotay's Maquis fighter ship was a common design among the Maquis. Its engine, at least, is 39 years old (from 2332) and has been rebuilt once. Armament included phasers of an orange-colored beam and photon torpedoes fired one at a time out the rear vents. Despite its small size, a fuel line could rupture and not be catastrophic. Systems could be easily reconfigured, even under duress. At least part of the power reactor is in impulse generators.

Maquis Raider fighters

Two major ship types have been seen in Maquis service. --An abortive raid on the Bryma colony in 2370 used two of the boxier warp-capable craft of Federation design, pumped up with recently acquired weapons -- the only two ships in possession by the Maquis which could handle them. The small ship had a squarish cramped cabin for its a crew of two, with the pilot seated to port. Another of this same type rendezvoued with the S.S. Xhosa in 2372 to take on mostly food and medical supplies, nailing Yates as a Maquis smuggler. --Both Ro's and Chakotay's Maquis round-nosed fighter ship was another common design among the Maqui, although theirs featured slight design variations. His craft's engine, at least, dated back to 2332 and was rebuilt once. Despite its small size, a fuel line could rupture and not be catastrophic; systems could be easily reconfigured.

Maquis ships

A conglomeration of all variety of older spacecraft, primarily of Federation origin. One of the more common varieties was the small two or three person vessels which were used by the Maquis for missions to reconnoiter, or ship-to-ship engagements and for convert missions. In 2370, a small group of such ships were successful at attacking and severely damaging a single Galor-class Cardassian warship, whose captain, Gul Evek, then had to send out a distress signal. Another Maquis attack fleet of these small vessels was sent to the Demilitarized Zone for the purpose of attacking a Yridian convoy believed to be assisting the Cardassians against the Maquis. However, the attack was aborted when Lieutenant Ro Laren warned the Maquis that a Starfleet ambush was imminent.