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Welcome to the pages devoted the U.S.S Voyager! Voyager is currently home to remaining free Maquis. Click below to learn about the senior officers on Voyager. Click below that to access descriptions of Technology used on Voyager. Read below for a general description of Voyager.

U.S.S. Voyager Crew

Voyager Technology

Intrepid - Class starships are currently being used by the United Federation of Planets. They have fifteen decks. The bridge is on deck one, the mess hall is on deck two, and engineering is on deck eleven. They are equipped with two holodecks, and are designed to accomodate a crew of about 150 people. Intrepid - Class starships use bio - neural circuitry, which increases the speed of the ship's computer. The warp nacelles on these vessels move up when the ship goes to warp, and all Intrepid - Class starships are capable of landing on a planetary surface.

The U.S.S. Voyager is an Intrepid - Class starship. The Voyager was violently thrown into the Delta Quadrant by an entity known as the Caretaker. The ship was heavily damaged during the journey, and many crewmembers died. A Maquis vessel was also pulled into the Delta Quadrant. Howeverm its crew had to flee to Voyager when their ship was destroyed during a battle with the Kazon. When Captain Janeway was forced to destroy the array and sacrifice Voyager's only way home, the Maquis and Starfleet crews became one. Over the years, Voyager has been captured by the Kazon, been nearly destroyed by a fellow Federation vessel, and has engaged the Borg in battle. However, the ship is still in working condition. The crew has left Kazon and Vidiian space, and has started to make more friends then enemies. Even so, there are still alien races who consider Voyager a threat. The Hirogen, Malon, and Devore are among them.

During the first three years of Voyager's journey home, the ship didn't really make much progress. In 2373, Kes flung Voyager 10,000 light years closer to home. In 2375, Voyager gained another 25,000 light years. Along with that, Voyager recently cut three more years off it's journey. The crew has been fortunate enough to contact Starfleet Command on two occasions. Starfleet is now aware of Voyager's predicament, and they are doing everything possible to bring the crew home.

Source: USS Prometheus