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Mayoral Proclamations


Mayoral Proclamations  

  1. Charlie Esser has been hired as the head of Mayor Tad's Public Relations Committee for Reelection. Because Mayor Tad is the Mayor for Life on Marvin Avenue and there is no election, Charlie was unsure as to what he needed to do.  Charlie said, "I will try my best to help the Mayor avoid impeachment.  He is an outstanding individual."
  2. Scott Peters was also hired as the head of Mayor Tad's Finance Committee for Reelection.  Scott noted that Mayor Tad did not need any money for an election that will not take place.  Scott decided to place a tin cup at the corner of Reetz and Marvin and hopes that people will contribute according to their interest.  Scott said, "I wouldn't give you two cents for this campaign and I am expecting to raise a lot less than that."
  3. The Mayor has declared his house at 4916 Marvin Avenue the winner of the 2002 Christmas Decoration Contest.  The Mayor has declined to supply information on what he awarded to himself.  The Mayor noted he had a lot of competition from Billy and Bobby at 4908 Marvin Avenue.  He was very impressed with the 4908 Marvin Avenue Maypole representation of Christmas but he was a little uncomfortable watching a chickadee get electrocuted as it was flying out of Billy and Bobby's bird house.  Said Mayor Tad, "I understand that not everyone will agree with me awarding myself this award.  Tough.  I am the Mayor and what I say goes.  Let me point out that 4908 Marvin Avenue does not have Frosty the Red Eye Snowman.  Without a personality like that, they cannot win."


Last Modified:  December 27, 2002