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Mayoral Proclamations


Mayoral Rumors     

  1. Mayor Tad switched jobs.  He no longer works for Wright Vending but is now a valuable employee of the Middleton/Cross Plains School District.  Wright Vending became a wholly owned subsidiary of Swanson Vending after the loss of its most valuable employee, Tad.  The remaining Wright Vending staff are now packing TV dinners for Swanson Vending.  
  2. Mayor Tad will assist in the campaign of Tom Clauder for Fitchburg Mayor in 2003.  Besides going door-to-door in campaigning for Tom, Mayor Tad has offered to write all of Tom's campaign speeches.  Tom stated, "I appreciate the assistance of my brother-in-law in my campaign for Mayor.  I appreciate his offer to write my campaign speeches.  I believe it is more important for him to go door-to-door rather than write speeches for me because not everyone in Fitchburg will understand the colorful language he uses on Marvin Avenue."
  3. The Middleton School district hired Tad to lower their enrollment. Once word got out Tad now works for the district, 60 families moved out of the district and Midland is giving away land now they bought for future development by Cross Plains. Middleton and Cross Plains are now planning on closing 3 of their schools because of low enrollment.  Kids were saying that one of the new janitors was seen carrying a red eyed snowman around with him when he was cleaning up their classrooms and talking Arabic to him.

Last Modified:  December 29, 2002