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I may not be the best musician ever, but it's fun, and if by simple chance alone, a few of my over 100 MIDIs came out good^^

#136 I heard the background melody in this somewhere and had to try writing a song to it. But then I didn't get to finish it for a long time and the inspiration needed for it was long since worn off, so I had to just do a quick ending to it.
#122 IT edition Impulse Tracker version of a MOD version of one of my MIDIs, which I used in the GBA demo Eternity
Sand Temple Practicing RPG-type music
DBZ - Super Saiyan Theme (remix) I liked this song in the show, but couldn't find an MP3 of it, so I made my own version^^
#129 My attempt at more tough-sounding music
#127 I tried playing a song based mostly on 2 notes, but then got tired of it and good stuff happened
#125 This one came out good too, cause I was happy that I found a cool instrument to use^^
#122 If you listen to one of my songs, this should be it. I had a very good music day, and it just came right out^^
#120 I don't think anyone would want to listen to any between 36 and 120
#36 Written note by note, and very short
#2 I did this the day I got the equipment I needed to record keyboard playing^^