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Drawings, paintings, 3D models, cels, CGs, you name it^^
All the strangely named characters are from my once-story-once-manga-now-RPG, which needs a name itself^_^

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The Dark Castle Looms
Inspired by a long chain of events. First, I saw a picture by Bakenius at Oekaki Central that had a cool forest background, so I decided to draw a huge tree in a forest. Then I got to thinking how cool the mana tree in Secret of Mana is, so I listened to some music from it. One of the songs reminded me of the ending song from Castlevania 4, which reminded me of the cool scene with Dracula's castle collapsing while that song was on, so I decided to draw a castle. Then I couldn't figure out how to make it look good, so I used a snowglobe I have as a reference. Of course a castle isn't worth anything unless you have a warrior to challenge it, so I drew a dude with hair somewhere half way between Goku from DBZ and Crono from Chrono Trigger, and with Frog's cape^__^
I still haven't figured out how I knew not to make the sun round, but I think it was a good decision. Makes it look hazy like the end of the world is coming. Or something.

Japanese Lanterns
Quick mouse doodle, which I accidentally sent to the polished room on the Art Corner oekaki, but people seemed to like it as if it belonged there, so oh well^^

Realism Attempt #F
Shi-Painter gooood for realism. Color blending is much nicer than OekakiBBS. Still looks more like paint than like a photo, but this one was done in just a few hours before finishing packing to move to Seattle, so I could probably have smoothened it out more if I'd had more time to work on it^^
Unfortunately I didn't get to keep the tablet when moving, so now I have to find a new one before I can do any more oekakies...

Back To Back
Yet another attempted quick doodle, which turned into a higher quality picture. Not one of my best, but still fun.

Rise and Shine
Happy morning with pastel-ish colors, and pretty textures abound. The blanket was tricky enough to begin with, but then I added a pattern to it, making my life harder than it needed to be. At least the pattern doesn't have any lines in it, those would be even harder to keep track of^^
There's something not quite right about the shading and/or wrinkles on her shirt though. Not sure exactly what, but I know I can do better next time. Still, I'm pretty happy with the picture overall, especially being my first high-quality one in over a month and a half^^'

Chess King
How a chess king fights, be huge and powerful looking, but make sure you have a pawn handy to do the actual fighting^^

Spring Storm
My favorite things, a big gusty thunderstorm rolling in^^

Burn the Witch!
More fun with solids, this time with Delta hiding behind a tree, being chased down by an overly-enthusiastic life temple priestess, tentatively named Misaka, for being a magic-using witch^_^

Daiku working on his parents' farm, appearently planting some new rows of potatoes after pulling some up^^ Done with pure solids, which is my favorite oekaki style of all, though I'd forgotten how much fun it was since it was so long ago when I did my last one. Although this does have a lot of nifty texture work so there actually aren't that many solid color areas around. Expect more in this style soon (maybe in a few hours, even^^)

Realism Attempt #E
Ok, I did another one. I just couldn't stand how chicken I was with the shading on the last realism I did, so I had to make up for it by doing one right. Her head is too small though.

My first collaboration picture, done with KarissaEB at BakaNako^_^ I think it turned out quite nice, must do another sometime

Realism Attempt #D
Best one yet^^ I think I'm satisfied enough to go back to normal style now.

Realism Attempt #C
Using this as a reference. Drawing cute Japanese girls is fun^_^ And I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of realism. This one's not quite as good as I'd hoped, but the next one should be. Definately worth the work for the skill boost^^

Withered Tree
For a sunrise/set contest on Bakaneko oekaki. My best mountains yet, and the sky worked extra good too^_^
Only got seconds place though...

Back Yard Woods
The woods out back behind my house. That trail was worn in by my brother, sister and self running laps back there and up around the house^_^

A scene that I plan to work into my RPG if I ever get the chance. I like calm river travel.

Hot Tub
Attempted realism attempt #B using this as a reference, but I can't draw a realistic face to save my life so I made it normal style. I think my proportions will be a lot better from now on though^_^
But the perspective is still a little off. Why do I always do that?

Garter Snake
Realism attempt #A: baby snake. Because a full length adult would have to be so skinny to fit on that rock I wouldn't be able to get the little details in. Not all that realistic, but super cute^__^

Light Temple
Daiku and Delta in the light temple from my RPG

Mountain Ledge
This is the background for the spinning cube in my Eternity" demo.

Actually according to the story of the RPG, there should be lots more battling going on in the background, but seeing as how I wasn't in the mood to spend too long on this, I only did 2 characters.

Summer Forest
Well, I thought this looked a little rushed, but everybody at the Bakaneko oekaki went wild over it and it got archived^_^ First archive I've ever had, and I do like the part of it I put in the thumbnail.

Dragon Rider
Best dragon I've drawn yet^_^ Not to mention the cool looking rocks and water. The grass is pretty bad though.

Run! Elf with a knife!
About as uninspired as it gets. Just doodling around cause I wanted to draw the dragon picture above this, but hadn't drawn anything in a while, so I needed a little practice, even if I didn't have any good ideas at the time.

Dance Club
Some of what goes on in the stories my siblings and I make up while Smash Bros. battling^^ Since Luigi looks like a cool dancer in SSBM, we decided to have a dance club that he goes to. Then I listened to Play That Funky Music, and had to draw it^^

Not Good
I might just have to do a mini-manga to show how this happened^^

Flash Orb
I'll have to give Delta this spell in the RPG^^

Fire Clan
Saturos and Menardi from Golden Sun.
My sister talked me into drawing them, and now I can't stop^^;

Daiku: Let me just get out my map...
Delta: The mountains are that way.
Katsu: It's so nice and warm here...

Forest STream
Doesn't look quite like the real life stream I was trying to draw, but it's still pretty cool^^

Or at least attempting to, but it looks kinda hard to concentrate with all that wind and rain^^
Those clouds took forever to get right, and I still think they could be better, but overall I'm pretty proud of this one^^

Morning Light
Her eyes may be huge, but aren't they pretty? I need to use that glowy effect more often^^

Firefly Forest
A scene from my RPG. Didn't turn out quite good enough for how long it took, but I do like the colors

Hikari no Kakera
Yet more oekaki goodness. I spent like 6-7 hours over the day on this one, but aren't they cute together^^?

Nova blocking a jump attack by Katsu. Drawn between turns in a chess game on Yahoo with a really slow guy. Of course I ended up working on it for another hour or 2 after that, but I wouldn't have drawn it at all if it weren't for that guy^^
I like the shading, but I think my pose+angle drawing needs a little more work. And I had to cover up the cool tree branches in the background with the characters;_;

Delta leaned up against a tree
Done at the BakaNeko Kohai board this time. Inspired by Song of Feeling from Chrono Cross. There's something wrong about how her arm is attached, but I like the atmosphere in this picture

Delta looking out at an ancient temple
Done at the BakaNeko Senpai board. I hate everything about it other than the temple though.

Kairo's tattoo
Smooth, pretty outlines and shading^^ And isn't that dragon tattoo just the coolest? Actually I got the idea from Kari-chan ages ago, but never actually drew any pictures that showed it^^
Unfortunately one of the moderators at Oekaki Central seems to really have a thing against my backgrounds and deleted it

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