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This section is almost never updated, because programming takes so long to finish anything, but it's what I spend most of my time doing, so it deserves a section

Eternity (GBA) My entry for the GBADev 2003 competition. And here's the source, if anyone's curious about any of the effects.
Sound Mixer (GBA) Old sound mixer I wrote with source and a demo. Not all that stable, but maybe someone would like to look at it. 6 channels, 2 left, 2 right pitched MOD channels, and 2 non-pitched, panning SFX channels. Takes a constant 11% CPU, less than 1/2 KB IWRAM. Check the readme for details.
Particle demo (GBA) Made in about an hour or 2, just for fun. You'll need VisualBoyAdvance to run it
Sproing (GBA) 4KB string simulator, which placed 7th (out of 21) in GBAEmu's 4K competition. You'll need VisualBoyAdvance to run it
Cats (Verge) My first real programming project. I never got past making the battle system, but I learned a lot making it

Quither (20KB) Image quantizing/dithering tool for GBA 16-color tile mode. You can specify the palette size and number of palettes for it to use.
View comparisons (palettes are screwed up by program I used to save as GIF, so they're not actually tiled anymore), or a zip of the bitmaps used, which do have proper palettes (540KB).

GBA sound mixer tutorial This is a series stepping you through everything necessary to create a sound system for the Gameboy Advance.
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
C-buffer How to implement a C-buffer to eliminate overdraw in software 3D engines.