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8/4/2003 - Check It Out!!! Drawing On STEVE's back-catalog has been linked out of's CompleTe CoNtRol. AlbEIt an incomplete LisT all the eSSeNTiaLS are TheRe!!! JUST click ON our DOWNLOADS page!!!
[further information (8/5)] upon entering our new downloads page, thou shalt find a list of songs. thou shalt be given a choice. hi-fi. lo-fi. download. if your computer has a slow connection, choose lo-fi. if it does not, do as you please. Each link will take you to, but don't worry you don't have to click on anything else for the song you chose to start playing. If it is your first time listening to mp3's off of, you will be asked to fill out a form. don't fret. input erroneous information and start rockin'!!!

10/15 - Check it out, ya'll! We were recentely inducted into Comet-Kazi Records. Check out all the other hot bands that are part of this crazy new label!!

10/01 - Frequenters to our Steve of the Month Club page may recognize Steve of October's name, but they may say to themselves, "That's not the Steve Miller I know and love." Well its true, October 2002's Steve of the Month is not that Steve Miller, rather it is Steve Miller "WORLD FAMOUS MYCOLOGIST"!!!

5/28 - Reflector is NOW completely finished!!!!!! If YOU want A copy just send us an email, or buy one FROM us LIVE at one of our shows. * For more information about our shows check our shows page.

5/21 - TWELVE down, Three to GO!!! Reflector is almost ready for TAKE-OFF!!!

4/20 - REFLECTOR is coming along GREAT! We have finished and MIXED DOWN 7 bombtracks and we have 8 more to go. We'll KEEP you updated.

Right now DOS is recording their HOT new album, REFLECTOR!!!

REFLECTOR is the culmination of space aged ROCK and working class FURY . Basically it is about our passionate INTENSITY of life. Order your COPY in advance while supplies LAST!!

Have DOS gig for you!!

We do birthdays, open houses, weddings, funerals, high school proms and banquets, Ramadan, and open mic nights!! Just email us with your party information!!

DOS is planning to put more news!!

This news is going to be AWESOME!! It will be a culmination of hard hitting current events and a restaurant review.

As true Michiganders, we at DOS love local cuisine. With high hopes and empty stomachs, we ventured to the Keeweenaw Pasty shop on Friday, April 19.
JCD: I loved it. The pasty was so authentic that I was sure they were cooking them on shovels in the back.
MMK: ...the shovels they use to pile the horse shit outback. Those pasties were downright grotey.
JCD:Yeah, if grotey stands for: Gravy Rockin Out To Edible Yum. The potatoes were to die for. Diced to perfect proportions and the gravy tasted like it'd just come from Mom's cauldron. Mmmmmmmm.
MMK: Potatoes to die from? You got that for sure. And that gravy, that didn't sit well. I was up all night with my tummy in unparalleled agony, praying to God in repent for my sins.
JCD: More like, praying to God for another sweet taste, a delicious tickle of the taste buds, a heavenly caress of warm UP satisfaction. Sign me up!