The Rede
Circle Casting
Moon Rites
The Four Elements
The Sabbats
Pagan Terms
Book of Shadows
Hogwarts Academy
- Calling Faeries
- Protection Spells
- A dictionary of Faeries
When you first begin contacting faeries, always stay within the protection of a circle until you get a feel for their intent towards you. If you feel faeries are indeed present you should not break the circle for any reason until the circle has been grounded, at which time most entities who were attracted to it will disperse.
Summoning Faeries to your Circle
To summon faeries to the circle, turn to the four directions and invite (never demand) the faeries presence. Your invitation might sound something like this, as you face each direction in turn, saying the following at each one:
Hear me now, oh powers of the (direction). With an open heart I invite all the friendly spirits and faeries of the (direction) and of (element associated with the direction) to come to the edge of my circle, this sacred space, to witness and participate in the worship of our cherished Goddess and our blessed God, and to joyfully work towards our goals for the good of all. Come join me (or us) if you will. You are welcome here. You are wanted here. Blessed be all who come in the name of the Bounteous Lady and the Gracious Lord
Protection Spells
Protections rituals are usually very simple. The only thing really required form the witch is a heavy investment of personal energy. The simplest method is to take an incense traditionally used for protection-such as Frankincense, Basil, Pepper, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, or Clove-into every room of your home. As the smoke fills your home, visualize all negative energy and all uninvited entities being neutralized and turned away. See the smoke from the incense literally pushing them out. As you go you might chant something like this:
By this smoke and by my will,
Peace and safety be where I dwell.
No astral being nor faery folk
May enter where these words are spoke.