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288 South Hamilton Road   Columbus, Ohio 43213
(614)759-7700     1-800-838-3233     (614)759-7747 fax


The mission of Technology Education College is to provide career oriented post-secondary programs of study in selected disciplines, consistent with the most current needs of business and industry, and of new entrants into the labor force. In harmony with this mission, TEC has established the following goals: TEC's primary goal is to offer quality application - oriented curricula. Curricula are designed to produce competent graduates, who also have the ability to understand new developments in their field, adapt to change, and grow throughout their careers. Consistent with this primary goal, TEC seeks to enroll qualified students who can benefit from its programs.

Another goal is to enhance students' success. To this end, faculty and academic staff will assist students in completion of their chosen programs.

An additional goal is to assist graduates of full - time programs in achieving the highest possible degree of success in career - entry employment. Graduates are assisted in the search for positions compatible with their backgrounds and interest. Although TEC cannot guarantee employment or salary levels, TEC will continue to offer assistance following graduation.

The goal of TEC's continuing - education is to enhance the opportunities for advancement and career mobility of individuals already employed or seeking a career change.